wedding - this time as a 2nd

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constructive criticism welcomed and appreciated. all of it here on the blog

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Wonderful set of photos. I particularly like one of the first ones. The one with the Audi car and the bloke from Showaddywaddy!! ;-)
A really detailed set of images. Not too sure why traffic cones or a road sign are included, however maybe it was just the finest detail of their day and possibly location of wedding. IMHO maybe not necessary for a wedding memory.

Your ability to spot the finest wedding detail is superb and something I like. Maybe it's because I'm a female!!

Congratulations. ;-)
Thank you all.
Joanne I love details. That sign reminded me of a married life which isn't always as _straight_forward as we would like it to be and certain things come at a cost:) well, that's me. As for cones, he doeas it every saturday as the road gets pretty busy on a wedding day and homeowner can't drive out of thgeir driveways. You see that's me a detailed man:)
Brilliant series, really captures the essence of the day. I love all the small details too.

Is the layout something generated by your blog, or is it something you do manually? said:
Thank you all.
Joanne I love details. That sign reminded me of a married life which isn't always as _straight_forward as we would like it to be and certain things come at a cost:) well, that's me. As for cones, he doeas it every saturday as the road gets pretty busy on a wedding day and homeowner can't drive out of thgeir driveways. You see that's me a detailed man:)

What a lovely thought and as I've said in other posts, we never know what a photographer is thinking or dealing with at the time of shooting an image and now that you have, very kindly put context to your images, I understand and love the thinking.

I liked these and thought they showed a great story to the day.

But, I then when to your wedding section of your website and was disappointed. Mainly because you talk about how you "love being with them and watch them smile and go ‘wow’ as they view their images which revive all the precious memories from the big day" but then showcase images of women and men with no rings on their fingers. I would ditch them photos asap and replace them with the strong ones which you have now got.
Very good set, nice variety, good creativity.

Lighting a bit harsh on the first few outdoor ones, but it obviously got better (i.e. softer) later on in the day.
Wow, thank you very much for your kind words folks! You have made my long Bank Holiday weedeknd :)

If they wrote a book on good reportage wedding coverage these would be a perfect illustration,very well done

Thanks Nigel. Realy nice of you to say this. I would be chuffed to bits if any of my work was ever used as described. Even if it is the last page above the publishing house logo:)

Brilliant series, really captures the essence of the day. I love all the small details too.

Thans Paul. This is where I want to take it. It is people like Ross Harvey, Alexandras Babicius, Kevin Mullin and Marianne Taylor that inspire me. I want to throw them into one bag, give it a shake and take out what's there:)

I would ditch them photos asap and replace them with the strong ones which you have now got.

It is all in the making;)

Very good set, nice variety, good creativity.

Thank you Les. Can I nick your Sig? ;) Like it a lot.
Wow, thank you very much for your kind words folks! You have made my long Bank Holiday weedeknd :)

Thanks Nigel. Realy nice of you to say this. I would be chuffed to bits if any of my work was ever used as described. Even if it is the last page above the publishing house logo:)

Thans Paul. This is where I want to take it. It is people like Ross Harvey, Alexandras Babicius, Kevin Mullin and Marianne Taylor that inspire me. I want to throw them into one bag, give it a shake and take out what's there:)

It is all in the making;)

Thank you Les. Can I nick your Sig? ;) Like it a lot.

Course you can, but which one, I don't own the copyright on either , I just added my bit on the end of the 2nd one :)