Weird Flickr behaviour on iPad

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Yesterday I noticed very weird behaviour with my iPad Pro 11" when using Flickr. If I view my photostream the images are sharp, but then if I click onto an image to view it it goes all pixelated, however if I look at images in other albums that are not on my photostream they're sharp. The same happens whether I use the Flickr app or view via safari, however if I log out of my account on safari and go to my page the images display correctly (AFAIK you can't view images on the Flickr app without logging in).

This phenomena doesn't happen if I view on my laptop or iPhone. Has anyone else had this and know what's going on and how to solve it? I have tried deleting the app and reinstalling.
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Here's what I am seeing (Screenshots taken from the iPad)

On the Flickr app my photostream looks like this, all nice and crisp

by TDG-77, on Flickr

But if I click on an image is goes pixelated like this

by TDG-77, on Flickr

If I view on safari on my iPad as a 'guest' on flickr the image is sharp like this

by TDG-77, on Flickr

But as soon as I log on it goes pixelated like the app

by TDG-77, on Flickr
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I'm not getting that effect on my Flickr with my iPad Air (3).
I'm not getting that effect on my Flickr with my iPad Air (3).
I’ve just tried it on my wife’s iPad Pro (1st gen) and it’s got the same weird behaviour on that too o_O What software version are you running, we‘re both on 13.4.1?
I’ve just tried it on my wife’s iPad Pro (1st gen) and it’s got the same weird behaviour on that too o_O What software version are you running, we‘re both on 13.4.1?

Also 13.4.1
No issue on my Win 10 laptop either.
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I have had the same issue on my desktop pc over the last few days so I doubt it is anything to do with your ipad. Just another flickr glitch I suspect.
That’s the weird thing it’s fine on my computer and iPad. Fingers crossed it gets sorted then.
Also 13.4.1
No issue on my Win 10 laptop either.
When I enlarge an image on my laptop using the double headed arrow on the top right corner, the image is all blurry.
If I bring it back to the original the try to enlarge it again, it is sharp.
It has been like this for a while now.

Also, quite often the groups I have posted them in disappears.
I have to Ctrl + F5 to get them back.
Most annoying - Grrr!!!
All fine on my I.pad .. could it be something to do with your broadband provider ?
All fine on my I.pad .. could it be something to do with your broadband provider ?
Thanks, I'm not sure why broadband would affect rendering of images, other than the speed it renders? Also if it was broadband surely it would affect all devices and not just the iPad?
My old I.pad used to play up sometimes .this one was new Xmas . Switch it off completely leave for 5 minutes then turn it back on and let it re.boot itself . Might work?
My old I.pad used to play up sometimes .this one was new Xmas . Switch it off completely leave for 5 minutes then turn it back on and let it re.boot itself . Might work?
Tried that thanks. Done a soft reset too. I'm starting to think it's something on Flickr's side of things being as it happens on both my wife's gen 1 and my gen 2 iPad Pros but not across all devices, and has only started doing it recently.
I've tried flickr and given up, it seems a very complicated way of doing something really simple
Well I’ve discovered that older photos on my photo stream render fine, it’s just the ones uploaded from around November 2019 onwards that render pixelated. It just gets weirder and weirder.
Well I’ve discovered that older photos on my photo stream render fine, it’s just the ones uploaded from around November 2019 onwards that render pixelated. It just gets weirder and weirder.
It just doesn't want to upload any of mine !
Well I’ve discovered that older photos on my photo stream render fine, it’s just the ones uploaded from around November 2019 onwards that render pixelated. It just gets weirder and weirder.

Higher resolution files, need to click twice to get full resolution?
Higher resolution files, need to click twice to get full resolution?
No they’ve been the same size for ages, I only put lower res on my photostream (2000 pixels wide). I also upload full res images but they’re saved in private albums and they display fine, and I’ve never had to click twice o_O
Maybe it doesn't like RAW images?
All my images are processed in LR and exported as jpeg (y). But nothing's changed in the way I process, export or upload, and as mentioned initially this has only just started happening, they have been sharp in the past.

I have contacted flickr about it and they're looking into it (y)
Just noticed mine is doing the same. Not my broadband as that running at 152mbps

Just noticed mine is doing the same. Not my broadband as that running at 152mbps

I’m guessing it’s a Flickr issue as they’ve said they’re working on it, if they thought it was internet connection or something they wouldn’t say they were working on a fix (y)
Well, it’s more weird. It’s not every photo - old ones seem fine. Newer ones have an issue. But also, some that pixelate on opening are fine if I close then open another and swipe.

very bizarre
Well, it’s more weird. It’s not every photo - old ones seem fine. Newer ones have an issue. But also, some that pixelate on opening are fine if I close then open another and swipe.

very bizarre
Mine don’t sharpen up if I swipe :( Mine are sharp for a split second then pixelate.
Looks like Flickr have resolved the issue, all working normally again :woot: