Welsh mountain light - Older images

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Hi folks, I've just been taking a trip down memory lane and looking at a few older shots from before I started posting on here so I thought I'd share a few.

I've taken a hell of a lot of photographs since I took these and I've definitely improved in many ways but they bring back some great memories of times spent in the hills.

Thanks for looking :)

New Beginnings by Nicholas Livesey, on Flickr

Communing with the Gods - Explored by Nicholas Livesey, on Flickr

A Tale of Two Valleys by Nicholas Livesey, on Flickr

Dawn Breaks - Llyn Crafnant from Crimpiau by Nicholas Livesey, on Flickr

Home by Nicholas Livesey, on Flickr

Late Light on Llewelyn - Explored by Nicholas Livesey, on Flickr

Wish you were here... by Nicholas Livesey, on Flickr

Mountains, Sea and Sky - Snowdon's South Ridge - Explored by Nicholas Livesey, on Flickr
Great images for spectacular scenery.
You may have improved but there is nothing like being there and having this kind of light

Very nice set of images Nick.
Second shot for me, from a cracking set Nick.(y)
I wish I was young and fit enough to walk those mountains.
I wish I was a good enough photographer to capture such images.
Thanks for sharing.
For me only being able to get there when the droll rat race allows, these images stir the soul! Cracking Nick!
Its a Great Set Nick, I particularly like "Communing with the Gods" No2 lovely crepuscular rays and dark clouds reminds me of so many climbs in the early morning or coming down in twilight its a great feeling.
"Home" this has a great band of light, love the dark and light and the natural spotlight in the valley and lower reaches.
"Late Light on Llewelyn" Stunning light, gorgeous pastel colours, think I could stay there and just watch the light change till darkness.
"Mountains, Sea and Sky" The icing on the cake literally, beautiful light again! The snow makes it all the better, can almost feel the cut of the wind up over the ridge.
Those are my favourites, not taking anything away from the others of course, just those particular ones make me feel good!