Were you taking photos in Trafalgar Square, Saurday 26th jan 2008?

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Can help me with a request it would be much appreciated.
My girlfriend and I were in Trafalgar Square, London on saturday the 26th of January 2008.
A woman took our picture stating that it was for her project on "Teenage Relationships/Romance".
If anyone can help me PLEASE don't hesitate.
Any information or direction will be much appreciated, we just want to see the picture :)
Please guys, anything will be appreciated.
Photography schools, photographers that may be doing that kind of thing, advice on how to find the photographer.
It really would mean a lot to us.
Alot of people are in bed now mate :)

I'm sure if someone recognises the course / project, they'll reply as soon as (y)
I guess you're right, just I noticed people viewing, kind of annoys me when people view and don't reply. :(

I know I do it too
dude, there are like 10 people on line. Do you want to work out the odds of one of those 10 people knowing the snapper that took your pic in london yesterday. ;)

Then again, there is one person here that has met her....... perhaps you should have asked her then??? :shrug::shrug:

Perhaps you'll get lucky here though, anythings possible.
Let us know if you find the photos. It'll be an amazing piece of luck.
Best of luck!
I should maybe have mentioned it is infact a photography project *thumbs up*
I'm going back in 2 weeks so maybe I'll spot her again, I think it will be epic.
That photo on our first real date :)
just to say i viewed this thread and erm :thinking: i haven't got a clue!!:D

Best of luck anyway.
I saw a girl taking pictures in birmingham sunday, could have been her:shrug: do you perhaps have any more unique details, perhaps a camera and lens she was using? a particularily large mole on one cheek?
She had glasses, black hair, I think the camera was a Fujifilm, looked like a fujifilm, maybe pretty old school ;)
Can't remember whether it was digital or not :/
BTW I edited your thread title for you :)
Sorry, I don't really understand why you're looking so hard for this.
It is extremely likely that the girl had a Fuji hybrid, and more than likely it was a snap.
Not saying good pictures can't be had with them, but it is pretty likely that she didn't put any thought into the shot.

I'm not one for giving up, but there are 65(ish) million people in England.
If you find her let me know and I'll put a line on this weeks lottery :D

Seriously though, you could try looking through Flickr (and similar sites) for shots added of that location taken on that day and then email the female ones (and ones you can't tell) to ask them if that was them.

Depending on the age of the person you could also try contacting the local establishments which deal with that age group and asking if they could ask about especially if they have a project with that title.

Sounds like a huge amount of effort to me but we were all young and in love :love: once - go for it (y) unless you are worried about getting caught with someone you shouldn't be with ;)

Alternatively bribe the CCTV opperatives covering that location to get a still of the event. Then join M15 and once in place sneak in one night and at the risk of getting fired do a search through the facial recognition system that we see in Spooks every other week (on TV it must exist) until you get a match. :naughty: - sorry couldn't help myself there :LOL:
"project on "Teenage Relationships/Romance"."

Sounds like a kind of stock answer some street photographers will give to fend people off ......
Thanks Marcel :)
and thanks to everyone else for the help. I'll go and look through flickr and some other places soon.

I really would love to see the picture just because it would be something interesting to have.
Just an update, I haven't found her.
I was so sure aswell. She has so many pictures from Trafalgar Square. She looked like the photographer and well.....:(

still gonna keep my hopes up :)

Sorry... I really hope you do find her :)
My god, why dont you just recreate the scene and get someone to take a photo of you both? Seems like an awful lot of effort!

Good luck though if you decide to stick at it :)
It's not just that I want the picture really.
I just think it would be interesting to see it or have a copy of it, not everyday a random person asks to take your photo.
hehe this has provided me with some giggles other the past few days....

good luck in the hunt....

o and no i don't know anything....honest

maybe if this is going to turn into a forum effort then a photo of you or your lady friend would be helpful for indentification purposes..


No offence, and sorry to rain on your parade... but you're unlikely to ever find her, for the simple reason that you're looking for a needle in a haystack.

There are god knows how many "photographers" in the uk, and over 1000 pass through trafalgar square every day, add to that you're assuming she uses the net, added to that you don't know anything about her, apart from that she was in trafalgar square on Saturday.

Lost cause I'm afraid (IMO ;))
I think this is a class thread.
Think we should all chip in and help.

i agree

i wasnt taking pictures in Trafalgar Square so thats at least one you can cross off your list.

however I am sure if you ask nicely someone on here will help you recreate the picture. I am in London on the 6th Feb and if you dont find anyone else I will do it. Although after readng through the "professional" thread I am not going to say I am a photographer.. just a bloke with a camera some lenses and a dog or 5
This is quite sweet - you want a pic from your first date - am I right?

I would be contacting local colleges, local evening classes - just send an email to them. Tell them the title etcc and see if they can help!

All the best!!!

This is quite sweet - you want a pic from your first date - am I right?

I would be contacting local colleges, local evening classes - just send an email to them. Tell them the title etcc and see if they can help!

All the best!!!

Correct :)

I'm going to email some colleges and other places soon.

Thanks to the guy who said he'd help us recreate it but I won't be down there until about the 9th of February.
We live really far away from each other, long distance >.<
Ok, the growing number of people that are saying this woman will never be found really makes me want to help out and see this happen.

I'm of a particularly romantic bend at the mo and I love the idea of chasing the lost cause and winning.

You go guitar man, there is a gathering swell behind you now. :wave::nuts::woot::LOL:
Thanks to the guy who said he'd help us recreate it but I won't be down there until about the 9th of February.
We live really far away from each other, long distance >.<

Well, laterally thinking there is another way.

One of us takes a shot of you in your location, one takes a pic of the girl in her location, then we add both to a background shot...
That could work Byker.
However [I promise I'm not trying to make it awkward] we were in a weird position when the photo was taken.
haha this gets better - weird position......does that come with an explanation?

good luck i'm certainly behind you.....not in a weird position way though!

Regards AJ