Weston is super indeed.....

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Been out landscaping tonight for what seems like the first time in ages.

these are the 'rushes' as I'm using the laptop and I don't want to have to process twice. so just RAw conversion, crop rotate and sharpen for web....






Hope you like ;)

btw, the mono was converted in raw, then sepia tinted in cs2
Nice work, very nice. :)

I once took my Australian girlfriend to Weston. Had a laugh, I mean this is a girl from East Coast OZ with Surfers Paradise (awesome place) etal on her door step and she was surprsied to say the least! :)
All nice Ghandi, but the 1st one is my favourite (y)
Hard to choose a favourite cos they're all good, although the mono one does stand out :)
Nice work there gandhi, mono definately for me, but all equally supurb.

Used to go clubbing :beer: in weston-super-mud as we used to call it, then after we would jump over the wall of the tropicana (outdoor pool) and go swimming, shut know i think. Fond memories of the place.
I've had major problems with getting these shots sharp. The first three were all shot at around f8, the latter ones with smallest aperture. It seems that whilst the focus is ok, there is a major amount of diffusion/difraction creeping in as the aperture gets smaller. The edges are still there but all the points of highlight start to get seriously soft past about f11.

I'm just about to sit down and do these properly so expect to see the results soon.

btw, this was another drunken mission. 2 pints of hoegaarden and *cough* 'several' cans of san miguel and the persuasion of the g/f
No 3 - like the faint tyre tracks - they took my eyes right into the shot.
I think the mono is rapidly becoming my favourite too. lol, especially as it was only a 'test' shot as I was walking towards the pier. ho hum, tis often the way.

The fireworks were a definate bonus, started just as I was about to pack up and head back to the car too. I might even have squeaked a bit when they started and done a little dance.
Considering it was just a test shot, #3 is the winner here, in my opinion. Although #1 has wonderful colors and nice quality of light about it, #3 just conveys a special mood that the others don't match. Great shot!

good stuff Spencer, very much worth the trip i think!
Lovely colours on that pier and in the water, makes our harbour look distinctly boring :)