
Nice clean site Kate. I question the use of a pink font on the wedding page - not to everyone's taste. I'm also not sure about the menu headings of weddings and investment. The page content didn't match what I expected or thought it would be.

Otherwise a thumbs up here :)
i like it.. it runs nice and smooth..

did you used a template or do it from scratch??
Well, mostly I built it from scratch, hand coding, bit of dreamweaver etc.
took me a while. i did get help in some area's, i have to admit.
like the positioning of the div's (which i genreally find really hard to conquer) and the original code for the nav.
I got a lot of help from good old tinternet and from my work colleagues.
I know it looks simple, but it took me a while as im still learning.

I have been looking at wedding photographers a bit. One annoying thing is if you're looking through loads of websites and can't get to the pictures quick enough. The wedding tab should take you to wedding pictures I reckon. And then the size of the main pictures is too small to make out the quality. Perhaps increase the size of the picture you select and decrease the number of pictures in the scrolling slide thing. I don't want to have to go to full screen just to view decent sized pictures.

Hope that helps a bit.