What a Day


Suspended / Banned
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well today started off so well, birds singing, rabbits rabbiting lol, then i got to work, where after a few hours i was accused of stealing marched into the office made to take off my shoes and socks, empty my pockets and open my locker for searchign then basically was told i was a theif, then told to go back to work as there was no solid evidence i had stolen, but i was under suspicion and observation, then an hour later the boss came and told me after that humiliation, that he was sorr but he had investigated it and it was the guy who had worked at that job the day before, and that he had researched into it after our "talk" where i was basically called a theif and liar.... what happened to innocent until proven guilty.
Jesus Ash! id have gone to town on the fool!! he cant accuse you without evidence! and he should at the very least be kissing your behind right now!! thats not a nice thing to happen!

I got locked up when i was in training, i was humiliated in front of other recuits by the staff and punished by doing stupid stunts the provo likes to play..

After investigation it turned out it was another guy with a SIMILAR T-shirt to mine!! i wasnt even on the camp at the time!! i was on leave!!! lol..

I know how it feels dude..
i think im going to talk to the boss tomorrow, and complain about how the situation was treated. because i feel it was unjust
Quite right, they should be quite worried atm, specially if you go above your boss in the company to complain. Bang out of order tbh.
If you feel too humilated to work there any longer you could leave and sue on grounds of constructive dismissal. However, seek some decent legal advice before you opt for that route....
I would definately complain there, they have no right to make you remove your clothing (although not doing so may have just furthered the situation...) You can't let them get away with treating you, nor anyone like that!
strongly suggest you take professional advice before you do anything
sounds like you have been treated unfairly
at the least there should be compensation if you handle it right
but tread carefully - don't scupper your own chances by taking a cheap shot
good luck