What cable release for Nikon D90?

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Hi all, I want to experiment with long exposures to create light trails and orbs with glow sticks etc. I need to get a cable release which you can use with bulb mode and I want it to preferably be programmable so that you can set it to off for a specific length of exposure. What do you all recommend?
Still say IR remote, stopwatch and set to bulb...

Miles easier to use a dedicated timer. Set time, and walk off. You can also then use it as an intervalometer or set a delay start. An IR remote is useful to have for other stuff but wired for bulb mode everytime in my opinion.
Hi Ian.

Yep that should definitely be possible. I'll run through how I'd do it so you can see if there is anything you're missing.

Compose image, sort focus and exposure for the result that you want. Leave camera on manual focus and manual exposure so that the camera doesn't change anything between shots. If you're not shooting RAW, I would also use manual white balance. If shooting raw, it is less important as you can sort that later if need be.

You mentioned that you want 30 second exposures. I realise you can set this as a shutter speed but I would set the camera to bulb mode as I think it will be more reliable to set this from the timer so it is in full control.

Before you go any further at this point, this one is really important, make sure long exposure noise reduction is turned off and that shutter delay mode is also off and no mirror up option etc is selected.

Turning attention to the timer.

The 'delay' option allows you to set a time delay for the first of your shots to be taken. Let's leave that on 00:00'00" for now though.

Next 'long' option dictates your shutter speed in seconds. In your case, this will be 00:00'30".

The 'intvl' dictates the interval time between consecutive shots. If you're doing something like start trails I would just set this to 1 second.

And lastly 'N' dictates the number of shots so set that to 25.

Once you've done all that, just hit timer start/stop button and sit back for 12.5 minutes. It should just rattle through the shots one by one.

Hope that does the trick.
gad-westy said:
Hi Ian.

Yep that should definitely be possible. I'll run through how I'd do it so you can see if there is anything you're missing.

Compose image, sort focus and exposure for the result that you want. Leave camera on manual focus and manual exposure so that the camera doesn't change anything between shots. If you're not shooting RAW, I would also use manual white balance. If shooting raw, it is less important as you can sort that later if need be.

You mentioned that you want 30 second exposures. I realise you can set this as a shutter speed but I would set the camera to bulb mode as I think it will be more reliable to set this from the timer so it is in full control.

Before you go any further at this point, this one is really important, make sure long exposure noise reduction is turned off and that shutter delay mode is also off and no mirror up option etc is selected.

Turning attention to the timer.

The 'delay' option allows you to set a time delay for the first of your shots to be taken. Let's leave that on 00:00'00" for now though.

Next 'long' option dictates your shutter speed in seconds. In your case, this will be 00:00'30".

The 'intvl' dictates the interval time between consecutive shots. If you're doing something like start trails I would just set this to 1 second.

And lastly 'N' dictates the number of shots so set that to 25.

Once you've done all that, just hit timer start/stop button and sit back for 12.5 minutes. It should just rattle through the shots one by one.

Hope that does the trick.

Graham, I have finally got my thick head round ok this thanks to your advice, thank you very much! :)
rjbell said:
if you have a smart phone get an app.

Do you mean an app for calculating exposures? If so I already have one......
No to control your camera shutter release, focus etc..
Google nikon dslr tethering or control then your OS there is a few
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Milkfloat said:
I have borrowed TriggerTrap from a friend and found it great. I will be buying a cable soon.
https://triggertrap.com/products/triggertrap-mobile/ the one for your camera is £25 on Amazon. http://www.amazon.co.uk/gp/offer-listing/B009ABUU6Y The best thing is that you try the app out for free without buying a cable, but it only uses your mobile phones camera until you buy the cable.

Thanks for this, I downloaded the app and it looks pretty good. Do you have to plug a cable into your smart phone as well as the camera?
Yes, unfortunately if you want a wireless solution then you have a lot more.