What camera shall i have??

Thanks for that.

I dont really want to be spending much more than £400, for a camera and a lens if I can help it.

I want to use it as a fun hobby, and not something that i'll get too serious with and end up spending £1000's!!!

take a look at a Pentax K-x with 18-55mm for £350 from Jessops, then pick up a 50mm f/1.7 from ebay for £50, sorted
(and that goes for the OP too)
Have a look in a store at the different brands and find which you feel most comfortable with, then start looking at the cameras available by that manufacturer. If you are only looking at photography as a hobby then its worth looking at used equipment as well as new, I think. There are plenty of used beginners bodies around in places like MPD, Misfuds, eBay, and the classifieds section here on this site. Also, there are plenty of retailers selling new kit at reasonable prices.

Personally for me, I went down the second hand route and picked up a mint condition 350D for £130, an 18-55 lens for £40 and a couple of memory card cheap as well so my total outlay on a starter was under £200. Its left me with enough cash left in my pocket to get myself a telephoto lens when I decide which one I want.
Thanks for that.

I dont really want to be spending much more than £400, for a camera and a lens if I can help it.

I want to use it as a fun hobby, and not something that i'll get too serious with and end up spending £1000's!!!

Well in that case, assuming that you want to buy a new camera with a kit lens (and not second-hand) :shrug:, things are actually pretty simple. Only the (so called) 'base models' of each manufacturer are available at that price (apart from Sony, who offer the A290 and the A390 within your budget), so it's just a case of picking the brand :).

Pity that Nikon don't currently offer anything under 400GBP (he said, being slightly biased :naughty:).
I'm a nikon fan so I'm a bit biased ;)

Previously had a Konika minolta (which are now sony) but are backwards compatible, so you might want to look at ebay or other places for second hand lenses. Picked up a 24mm f2.8 on there for 30ukp a few years ago.

Anyways, I'd look at a Nikon D80. one on ebay atm going for 260ukp ish with kit lens. Reason is the mega pixels are a little more than the d70, and it still has a motor so can drive the older af lenses (the more entry level cameras don't have the motors and if you truely like taking pictures you will want something with a motor in).

A 50mm f1.8 new will set you back 100ukp, might be some second hand on these forums under the for trade/sale sections.

I can recommend:
105mm nikkon macro, 11-16 tokina, 50mm f1.4d nikon, 30mm sigma f1.4 as I have used or own these lenses.

It will depend what you want to take pics of, people, places, big things, small things, animals/birds... Have a browse through the forum sections below as they can give you an idea.

If you have a camera now (even a small one or a camera phone) what do you try to take most pictures of? Landscapes? ***? Cars?

That will point you towards lenses. Also get a few magazines as they have ideas and inspiration. Also sometimes they review the cameras/lenses you may be interested in.

If you happen to know anyone who has these dslrs it might be worth taking an afternoon or morning and borrowing it (with the owners tagging along) to see whether you'd prefer lighter models, which lenses you'd like etc...

Mainly its up to you, but dont let the sales people push you around. Go in and handle as many models as you can, even some of the mid pro ones. You never know, if your pictures are great you may be able to afford one at some point!

For budget and starting cameras you may want to look at a sony or pentax. The only problem is getting hold of decent lenses. Research on ebay and watch a few items go through. It will give you an idea of how much people are paying/asking for the items.

When you have a bit of money available, you can either:
1) Hire a camera/lens
2) post on here and get comments to research
3) buy one, use it and post up on here whether you like it, etc...

Good luck and I hope you find something that fits your style
Previously had a Konika minolta (which are now sony) but are backwards compatible, so you might want to look at ebay or other places for second hand lenses. Picked up a 24mm f2.8 on there for 30ukp a few years ago.

Won't do that now, the popularity of Sony DSLRs and the fact that they don't currently make a cheap 24mm prime (there's the totally splendid Zeiss 24/2, but that's not cheap by anyone's definition) means that the Minolta 24/2.8 is nudging £150 in good condition these days (still rather cheaper than new Canon or Nikon equivalents).
Cool, thats a good idea - a couple of my mates have cameras, so ill see if i can take a few snaps with theirs!!

I dont currently have a camera, but probably *** want to focus on landscapes.

Cheers for the help.
wihtout being rude thats hardly a pro camera to be charging to take photos with .. thats what my dad would use to take photos on a beach ..
The sx30 IS is not a bad camera at all but not something someone would buy for learning photographic techniques to use later as a, possible, professional.

An advice is to get a DSLR as I made the mistake to get a bridge camera (the SX1 IS actually!) and then I sold it in 1 month at a big loss to get my first DSLR, a Canon 1000D, which turned out to be a very good choice.
wihtout being rude thats hardly a pro camera to be charging to take photos with .. thats what my dad would use to take photos on a beach ..

My thoughts, but I was trying to be a bit more diplomatic in my questions :LOL:

I was perhaps wondering if she'd changed her mind about pursuing a career in photography all of a sudden! I had (still have) an S3iS which a bought about 4 years ago and it's a great camera, for personal use. Was very handy having such a versatile zoom range in a compact body for holidays and I still take it to concerts on occasions these days as it's a great size to let hang under your arm on the walk in past security ;)
Why are u guys all taking the ****?!

Hve you looked at the 2 main competitors - canon & Nikon?

wihtout being rude thats hardly a pro camera to be charging to take photos with .. thats what my dad would use to take photos on a beach ..

Maybe now you see why... Some of us may have seen that coming. :bonk:
Hi Holly and welcome to the forum.

If you could give us some idea about what you would like to shoot, your experience and your current cameras it would be great.

For camera prices I would look at camerpricebuster, pricerunner and amazon.
Hi Holly and welcome to the forum.

If you could give us some idea about what you would like to shoot, your experience and your current cameras it would be great.

For camera prices I would look at camerpricebuster, pricerunner and amazon.

Try reading the whole thread. She doesnt have any camera's, she's chosen one and wants to shoot landscapes.
Ahhh, put wrong one down I meant the canon EOS 60d!!! And what are you on about I do have a camera but not right for professional photography!! I have the samsung L313! And who said I was going to do landscapes?? Get yur facts right before you bitch about me!!!
Hiya Eos1,

I want to do photography on people!! I don't have much experience with cameras, but have taking photos with my samsung L313!! I know this camera isn't a good professional one and that's why I am looking into getting a new one!!!

I'm new to photography and found this in the app store so thought I would ask some photographers for some tips on choosing a camera!!!

Thankyou x
Yeh I already thought of that, I want the Canon EOS 60d for my main camera and as a spare I want the canon EOS 500d, or what do you guys reckon is the best one to use as the main camera??
Multiple exclamation marks are a sure sign of a diseased mind.
Cool, thats a good idea - a couple of my mates have cameras, so ill see if i can take a few snaps with theirs!!

I dont currently have a camera, but probably *** want to focus on landscapes.

Cheers for the help.

Ahhh, put wrong one down I meant the canon EOS 60d!!! And what are you on about I do have a camera but not right for professional photography!! I have the samsung L313! And who said I was going to do landscapes?? Get yur facts right before you bitch about me!!!

Sorry got confused with the guy who hijacked your thread.

Im not bitching at you, I was bitching at the poster who obviously didnt read the entire thread before posting a load of stuff that had already been talked about. In the process I did the same thing he did, so now Im bitching at myself.. Cruel world isnt it? :bonk:
Yeh I already thought of that, I want the Canon EOS 60d for my main camera and as a spare I want the canon EOS 500d, or what do you guys reckon is the best one to use as the main camera??

as a main camera it would be the 60d but you will have to be able to get the exact same images with both cameras so if it goes halfway through a shoot, your images will be consistant throughout the shoot with a lesser model of camera... and it does happen...

dont forget by the time you have a business set up and saved for these cameras there will be newer models on the horizon as well to considder.
Saves hassle if both bodies use the same type of batteries too as you can just have several of one type rather than loads of different ones.
And better high ISO handling usually and DOF. Depends on what you are doing though. Flash lit portraits it wont be an issue, but natural light stuff you might find it useful.
Yeh I thought of that too, I was going to finish by business course and then go for a photography course, in which case I would need a camera for that and then get a job in a photography business to get my experience up! After I have enough experience I was going to start my own business

I know that I am asking too early, but that's a part of research! I just wanted to know what was the best range of cameras So I knew what sort of price to be looking at. This would then give me enough time to save!!

I have said that I like the canon EOS 60d, but that doesn't mean I would be getting that one because there probably would be a new one on the Market by the time I am getting one.
idealy though a full frame camera would give some better results for portrait work (this is the reason SOME wedding togs use 5dII's) as the lens length will be correct rather than having a smaller FOV

fixed it for you.

The lens length is always correct regardless of crop etc.....although full frame bodies do tend to give better results for portraits
O I didn't know that, So it would be best to create a website after my course and put some examples on there?
It's impossible to plan that far ahead in the camera world, but you'll be looking at about £1000 per body give or take and then possibly the same again on lenses. Then you will need a flash set up, depending on what route you take. Also a decentish computer to work on. I'd plan for £4k minimum to even contemplate trying to make a business from it. Of course this can vary wildly depending on what you will shoot and how/where. But for a wedding or portrait photographer that would be my ball park figure.
I don't have a budget, I won't be getting one for a while, I'm still at college studying business and after I will be saving for a decent camera, and a photography course!!! I want to pursue a career in photography because it is something that I have always admired and I love the creativity the photos and the fact there is a story behind each photo!!

Focusing on Business Skills will probably the best decision you make regarding making a career in Photography. Unfortunately it is very difficult these days to actually find a photographic job working for someone else and forging a career as a a self employed photographers is far more about good business than good photography. Photography can easily be picked up by practicing and learning on here (look at the Photo 52 when you get your camera to help you develop)

As for cameras you will get the same results out of pretty much any DSLR. However, I think you need to be looking the system of lenses and accessories that go with a camera rather than just the camera (e.g. a Nikon lens won't fit a Canon camera or a Sony camera or visa veras).

If you are wanting to make a career out of Photography I would personally suggest sticking with either Canon or Nikon (the big 2), not because they are better than the others (they're no better or worse IMO), but it is far easier to rent stuff for these systems, get good quality second hand kit or even borrow of other photographers kit thus saving you vital cash (remember I said Business would be important ;) ).

Having said that, I am sure (and have been saying for over 5 years now) that Sony will make a credible 3rd option for Pros at some point in the future, but at the moment, for me at least, they are too much of a risk to seriously look at.

My advice for buying your first camera to learn on is to buy a low spec second hand body but put quality lenses on it (again S/H). The difference between an image on a top of the range camera and a low spec camera isn't that great using the same lenses but the difference between a quality lens and a cheap "kit" lens is massive. You WILL get better photos with a quality lens on a low spec body than the other way arround.
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I need to get a decent camera first, I don't think the samsung L313 is good enough

A camera is only as good as the photographer behind it.

Why not start up a Flickr account first and then build up some images on there. Once you have enough that you are happy with, you can look at creating a proper personal website.
Yeh I thought about the accessories to go with the camera and I have already thought about putting my pictures on facebook!! Thankyou
A camera is only as good as the photographer behind it.

Why not start up a Flickr account first and then build up some images on there. Once you have enough that you are happy with, you can look at creating a proper personal website.

Totally agree with this.

Either start reading up about and practicing website design or plan/save to pay someone to do it for you. Main thing I would say is don't release the website until it is totally ready to viewing.

Unless you're absolutely fantastically amazing, a pretty sure fire way to give a bad first impression is to hand out business cards with your website address that sends them to an "Website Under Construction" page.

EDIT: I'm not a fan of facebook so that may cloud my judgement on this one, but I wouldn't put photo's on a profile page if I was trying to portray a professional image of myself.

A nice photo with a list of "luks ***" "wow" "class" comments underneath it would just look awful to me.

EDIT: why is Good (G-U-D) being censored?
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