What can i do to this ...

David Bridges
Edit My Images
Hi all,

Took this yesterday, its in RAW so i can change it easily...
Heres the shot ...


C&C welcome for post processing ...

Thanks for viewing

Might be a good monochrome with a bit more contrast (if possible) in the sky so we can see the clouds and a bit more detail... I'm sure others will know better though.
I think the sky and the overall lighting is what's letting you down here David. I dont know if you can rescue any further detail from the raw image, but there simply doesn't seem to be alot of detail left in the sky in the Jpg. A quick mess with the contrast, saturation, exposure and sharpen levels using my limited PP skills will produce this but it still lacks any impact ..............

Thats one hell of a cheat JL, but :LOL: :clap:

Realistically a bit of contrast, saturation and a good sharpen are what the original needs.
I havent quite mastered reflections at and angle yet :p

But seriously Its a nice shot, if you can bring the sky back at all it can only add the photo I think :) Lovely smooth water though and crystal clear reflection of the trees.
Might be a good monochrome with a bit more contrast (if possible) in the sky so we can see the clouds and a bit more detail... I'm sure others will know better though.

There is a good chance that there was no detail in the sky when tis was taken.

I live on the Cumbrian coast, and more often than not the sky is either grey or white, or a mixture of both. I've lost count of the times when I've discarded a pic because the sky is washed out or featureless.
strange that doug, i live on the cumbrian coast as well and i often have to disgard entire sets of photos before ive even taken them on accounts of it being wet outside and not wanting to go outdoors! but yes i do agree the sky is very often "Bleh" up here on the solway