What do women togs wear at weddings?

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When you are the official photographer, do you dress to blend in with the guests or do you wear something else? Is wearing a dress a hindrance? Do you bother going smart?
I would of thought a trouser suit would be the best idea, and why wouldn't you dress smart for someone's wedding?
all female wedding togs i have seen generally wear a trouser suit and they look fine to me.
Why would you dress as a guest - you're working. Whatever feels comfortable to you and does not hinder you shooting.
my wedding tog wore a polo shirt and jeans.
eveeryone knew she was the tog and never said anything about the way she was dressed, she was there to do a job, not to sit and go ooooh aaaaah at the dress etc etc.

To me they should stand out a little bit so people know who they are and what they are doing, if they looked like just another guest with a camera why would anyone bother to pose smile or whatever for the pic thinking its just another "snapshot"

Mine was dressed the way she was and it worked and did not bother me or my guests or even the biggest critic there, my mother ha ha ha!!!!

Definitely something you're comfortable in (and comfy shoes - and not heels - are a must!). I tend to check with the bride & groom if it's ok for me to dress in casual clothing - I have my spare trouser suit if the b & g prefers more formal clothing.
As with any job - I would have thought looking respectable is part of the overall package. That said you need to be sensible.

The couple and guests can be called as required and bugger off as they please but the photographer may have to cope with longer periods hanging around in bad weather.

I was at a very cold snowy winter wedding recently and nobody begrudged the lady tog for wearing a plain black North Face Fleece.

Black trousers, flat shoes, blouse, cardigan, fleece - add as required would be my view. Simple set up suitable for every eventuality.
I do own suits but I'd only ever wear one if specifically requested to do so. (I do discuss this with the couple well in advance) I wear black jersey fabric trousers and a black top to match depending on temperature. I often wear low heeled boots and even when I wear shoes in the summer months they are smart leather but almost trainer style. Why? Because I can be lying on the floor one minute and on a chair the next. I often have to run upstairs for balcony shots (if we are lucky to have them).

A dress would be a complete no no for me. I'm not there to float about and mingle, I'm working and it can be quite physical at times if you want to get the shooting angles to make more interesting shots. A lot of my first dance shots are shot from the floor.
I generally wear clothes - I've tried alternatives but found it a bit chilly, and the strap on my shootsac chaffes a little
Trousers (black)
Comfy shoes
And a top I can bend over in and not show my boobs / g-string :)
my wedding tog wore a polo shirt and jeans.
eveeryone knew she was the tog and never said anything about the way she was dressed, she was there to do a job, not to sit and go ooooh aaaaah at the dress etc etc.

To me they should stand out a little bit so people know who they are and what they are doing, if they looked like just another guest with a camera why would anyone bother to pose smile or whatever for the pic thinking its just another "snapshot"

Mine was dressed the way she was and it worked and did not bother me or my guests or even the biggest critic there, my mother ha ha ha!!!!


so if same tog got the royal wedding do you think they would have worn those clothes I DON,T THINK SO :shrug: :nono:
so if same tog got the royal wedding do you think they would have worn those clothes I DON,T THINK SO :shrug: :nono:

A Royal Wedding is a State occasion and a slightly different proposition to a £2,000 Registry-office wedding... behave...
I used to wear a trouser suit. And black leather flats. Although I become uncomfortable very quick and also very hot.:thumbsdown:
I've had a few of my couples tell me if I turn up in a suit they will send me home again, but unless requested I always wear black trousers and a shirt/blouse. And a suit jacket when it's colder. If I know the couple well (ie, friends wedding), I may wear a nice top and cardi instead, but I think if you wear a dress similar to the guests, or dress down too much, people won't be aware of who you are (bearing in mind a lot of guests now have DSLR's themselves) or you won't get quite so much respect/coorporation from people.
To me they should stand out a little bit so people know who they are and what they are doing, if they looked like just another guest with a camera why would anyone bother to pose smile or whatever for the pic thinking its just another "snapshot"

I think the fact that they have two camera bodies with lenses and flashes swinging from their shoulders will more than likely rule out the issue of them looking like another guest, regardless of what they are wearing!

I think it's professional to wear a suit for the day so you don't stand out like a sore thumb. It's not too much to ask if it's your job.
I think it's professional to wear a suit for the day so you don't stand out like a sore thumb. It's not too much to ask if it's your job.

It depends entirely on the wedding, the couple's wishes and the venue. I have some very nice suits in my wardrobe and one in particular that cost more than the couple will be paying me for the day. There is no way I will be lying on floors, running up and down stairs and making a mess of that! So while I don't advocate jeans and a T Shirt, neither do I think a suit is a requirement, indeed as far as my photography is concerned it is a hindrance and if the couple book me to take those kind of shots then I will be smartly dressed in something I can pop in the washing machine at the end of the day and if I ruin them, they can be easily replaced. :)
I generally wear clothes - I've tried alternatives but found it a bit chilly, and the strap on my shootsac chaffes a little

I don't suppose you have any shots of you trying the alternative to clothes??? :naughty:


and it'd have rob shooting it :p

do you do well in dresses?

It's the Royal Marines that hang out in dresses - the ex-Booties in the Navy Phot branch can take care of 'dress' occasions...lol
A wedding tog is at work They should dress accordingly.
at one time suits were mandatory, today any thing smart or stylish works.

If it is an all day wedding, they should not dress so as to stand out at any of the stages.
comfortable smart would seem best. Men togs can remove Jackets in the evening when guests do.
If in doubt ask the Bride what to wear for her occasion.
Hmmm... walking around naked, covered in Gold eh Zoe???

Was that a cheap way to bring about a California Sun Bounce effect??? :shrug:


My over white body acts as an amazing reflector, and with all the rolls of flab I strangely find that the formals are over and done with in seconds - not sure what that's all about :thinking:
For any photo shoot which may involve outdoor stuff, bear in mind that you may need to stand in mud, kneel down on grass, etc. to get the shot.

Also, bright clothing is probably best avoided, because you may shoot your own reflection in some shots, such as a shiny black wedding car.
Black trouser suit and nice blouse is what I have seen most decent women photographers wearing, and of course flat shoes a must.

I wear black suit and shirt (with company logo and my name on one breast pocket) and nice shoes when I shoot. If its hot then the jacket soon comes off but I always make a point of wearing it when I arrive at the brides prep location as I think it looks more professional and smart.

Occasionally clients sometimes request that we dress to blend in more with guests in which case it will usually mean a nice suit, shirt+tie and shoes.

I would personally never wear jeans to a wedding, I dont care whether I am working or not I think thats a bit too casual for a wedding.
so if same tog got the royal wedding do you think they would have worn those clothes I DON,T THINK SO :shrug: :nono:

I doubt it but then again the royals only dress the way they do because people expect them too, not out of choice.
I am sure as hell most royals feel more comfortable in jeans and t shirts than in poxy tank tops and tweed jackets.

But then again i aint no royal and my wedding was not formal, so jeans where worn by the guests AND ooh shock horror the tog.


P.S the bloody suit I was wearing was not through choice either but out of expectations of the people around me.
A Royal Wedding is a State occasion and a slightly different proposition to a £2,000 Registry-office wedding... behave...

well if i paid a pro tog 2k for a wedding i would,nt want them turning up in jeans and a t-shirt (male or female):puke:

edit: maybe i should,nt have used the "royals" as an example, but someone paying 100k for their daughters wedding wont want a guy/girl in jeans.
I think everyone has their own opinion on appropriate dress, whatever the occupation (I've worked in offices where a few would always complain at having to wear suit/shirt/tie, for example. Hearing them grumble was quite amusing, reminded me of being back at school).

Personally, I'd use my common sense and choose to wear something that fitted-in. For example, I wouldn't turn up to a Hells Angels wedding wearing a whistle and flute, nor would I turn up to a traditional wedding with my backside hanging out of a beltless pair of jeans.

It's up to the individual though of course but I think making an effort to look presentable is be a safer bet than not. :shrug:
I always wore a suit, as did my assistant, when shooting weddings. A problem I did find was overheating, I would take my jacket off and still be boiling. Wearing a white t-shirt under my shirt stopped any under-arm damp patches showing. Probably too much information but I thought I'd share anyway. :D