what do you CANON or NIKON or.....

what camera make do you use?

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I started off with Sony, but after getting into Macro photography the MP-E says Canon :)

Now I love my 5DM2, and would love to upgrade to 5DM3 this year if poss.
When I was using film I used Pentax & Leica for 35mm and Pentax (6x7 /645) and hasselblad for medium format .
since going digital I use Canon , mainly because the ergonomics suit my defective digits and the wide range of good glass available .
Canon for me, started off on film first then progressed to digital when me and my dad went 50/50 on a Canon D30 as we had a huge amount of lenses by then! I've just used Canon for soo long that it would be expensive to move to Nikon although they're very good etc.
Nikon....for no other reason than they had a cash back on when I was looking for my first DSLR, as I've bought lenses now I will probably stick with them when I upgrade
Canon because I knew literally nothing but had a play with somebody's Canon in a bar in Laos. Probably not the best way to choose but I doubt it makes much difference really.
Nikon, because the equivalent entry level Canon (D40x v 350d) felt like it'd fall apart within a couple of weeks.
pressed other.

I have the D3
and I have an M645 Pro

but it's my Pentax gear that I prefer to take out - the range of primes, especially the glorious limiteds gives it MOJO whereas the D3 is just a cold but effective tool.
Always used to have Canon but sold all my gear and went with a X10 and regretted it ever since.

Keep looking at the Nikon D3100 because it looks such a good price at the moment.
All my cameras are Nikon and i can't really remember how or why i started out with Nikon, my work place uses Canon and have used them a few times and don't have any issues with using Canon as long as the camera takes a picture who cares
a long time ago my dad gave me a funny little Agfa with odd cartridges...then I had a praktika for a wee while and then I bought a canon AE1 programme ...and so it went on - I can't recall why and I agree that it doesn't really matter.
Pentax....built like a tank, great ergonimics amongst other things...but what would I know?

I admit their lens lineup is somewhat quirky and 3rd party accessory manufacturers bypass Pentax with a lot of products. This obviously means pro's will give them a wide berth (that and no FF). Rubbish though? now i'm ROFL'ing.
Nikon for me (mainly)
Got a D7000 and a D40X infrared (previously D90, D80 and D40)
Also Canon 450D for messing around / dangerous places
Panasonic Lumix LX3 for compact / glovebox
Minolta (still have the 7000i) then Sony. Have stuck with Sony as I like the glass available in A mount and the in-body stabilization.

If I needed (and could afford) a 400/2.8 or 200/2, I'd swap to Nikon.
Sony, always was a Minolta user and I still have a 700si film camera.

Mixture of s/h Minolta, new Sony and new Tamron lenses.

If I was to change (I have no reason or wish to), I'm not sure what I'd look at. I'm interested to see what the proposed Nikon d400 looks like if/when it surfaces.
I have both a Canon 50d and nikon film camera off my late grandad just need some film to give it a go
Another for canon! But like many...right price at the right time as oppose to a conscience choice over Nikon

Digital is Canon
35mm is Canon FD gear
Medium format is Mamiya and Bronica
Other ransoms that I use occasionally for my own amusement Kodak Autographic folder and a Box Brownie
I also use an Olympus but that wasn't in the options and I couldn't have more than 1 choice :(

I use my canon and olympus equally

my olympus has advantages such as IS in the camera not the lens and the best optics in the lenses ever

just a shame their kit is not more widely available, everything seems to be canon or nikon, unless you have an olympus compact
Nikon, but started out with Praktica back in my days of film! Still got it actually although I've never used it for a loooooooong time!
Nikon. I bought a D70 years ago and started collecting lenses. Since then I've bought some, sold some but never had the motivation to sell up altogether and change camps.
Nikon. A photographer friend recommended them when I first thought about getting a DSLR and I've never had a compelling reason to change.

Though I suspect the main reason my friend recommended Nikon was so that I wouldn't be forever trying to borrow his Canon lenses :)
30 odd years ago, when I was a student, Nikon (F1?) was the SLR all the pros used to use. I had a canon FtB and then a cannon AE1 but I always coveted a Nikon. So a couple of years ago when I decided to get back into photography Nikon was the choice. Would change now.
My first SLR was a Minolta SRT201 and I stuck with Minolta until they sold their camera business to Sony at which time I sold off my Minolta collection and switched to Nikon. I am still a committed Nikon fan with a Nikon F4, F5, D90, D300 and D700. Although I have seriously coveted the D800 I am more than happy with my FF D700 which has all the features I need to keep me happy. I will probably keep the F5 forever because I love the shutter sound.
I personally use Nikon only because I've gone so far buying Nikon equipment.

It's all about what you like, not what others use though. Don't think that because someone uses this brand....... that you will get on with it.

I did originally own a Canon 1100d but after that went up to a more serious camera and the Nikon was on sale / affordable for me. As I only had a Canon with a kit lens, it was worth me buying this Nikon kit. I have never looked back since.
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I use Canon but that is only because I have never used anything else. I am comfortable with the way they are set out and work in general. However having never used a Nikon/any other brand I wouldn't write them off at all. I am sure they are fantastic cameras to use.

People are far to hung-up on this 'Brand War'. At the end of the day it is all personal preference. And in my eyes its just stupid.
Canon - I borrowed a 350d for a while to see if I liked photography and therefore carried on with Canon. My father in law has always gone Nikon and I don't particularly like the setup of controls, but tbh that might just be comparing the two particular cameras.

Use a D90 and Canon 500D before I bought my D3100 and now moved on to a D7000
Canon for DSLR *only* because I happened to pick up a Canon 300d all those years ago when I got back into photography, and bought into a set of lenses.

Too much invested to change, nothing other than that.

On compacts, I switch all the time based on whether I like what I see or not! Currently it's Fuji, but it has been Casio (a heady 320x160 QV10a), Sony, Pentax, Canon, each many times over!
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I voted Canon, I like Nikon just as much. What's this all about?
Nikon, for no other reason that the right camera came up second hand at the right price and at the right time, could just have easily picked up an equivalent Canon from my short listed wanted list

Exactly the same! I picked my Nikon D70s (back in the day) based on its satisfying shutter sound, because I couldn't pick between that and a Canon.

I got the impression Nikons perform better in a theatre (better performance at low lighting with harsh spotlighs and the like)

I just like the vibe of Nikons too tbh. I've used a Canon though and liked it alot.

Not much in it really.
Can't poll an honest vote as it won't let me choose two makes.

Currently using both Nikon and Panasonic (MFT).