What do you have on your bookshelf?

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Whenever I go to peoples houses, I am always fascinated to see what books they have on their bookshelves, so on this wet miserable Bank Holiday I thought about starting a thread on what books people have on their shelves. I have only included the ones from my computer room as my house is rather full of books - another of my obsessions I'm afraid.
Well here are two of my shelves



Anyone else fancy posting theirs?
Great idea....bookshelves are a great insight into the aspirations (although not always the actuality) of people. Nice to see all those language books.

No time to take a picture, but mine are full of either web design/web dev books, or SciFi...
Great idea....bookshelves are a great insight into the aspirations (although not always the actuality) of people. Nice to see all those language books.

No time to take a picture, but mine are full of either web design/web dev books, or SciFi...

Yes I agree about the aspirations. I try to learn languages for when I'm travelling abroad. Most important sentence "I'm lost - can you show me the way to..........", but the aspirations to learning the languages well are always better than the actuality.:shrug:
well barbara..after seeing your book collection,i'm a little embarrased to show mine.i've never been big on reading books,and have always been a magazine reader in preference.

what books i do have mainly consist of bike books..autobiogs plus one or two others,a few photography books and the rest are the wifes...

all the mags on the left are photography mags....

I'm fascinated to know what you collect. Are they laptops?:thinking:

the top of the case has 3 desktops connected to a switch that allows me to use a single KB / Monitor with up-to 5 computers, the next shelf down contains external hard drives 300GB each, the next bits & bobs and a marine VHF. The next one is indeed laptops unfortunately not for collecting but for testing software and virtual environments :(, the shelf is in my office at home.
the top of the case has 3 desktops connected to a switch that allows me to use a single KB / Monitor with up-to 5 computers, the next shelf down contains external hard drives 300GB each, the next bits & bobs and a marine VHF. The next one is indeed laptops unfortunately not for collecting but for testing software and virtual environments :(, the shelf is in my office at home.

That make me feel better(y) I thought I was terrible for collecting desktops, hard drives etc. It's like switching Cape Canaveral of in our house before going to bed. Hubby's as bad - retired pop musician with home studio.:bang:
Damn! I was about to grab my camera and take a shot of my bookshelf, but I ain't got no CF cards :crying:

...paging Hacker :cautious: :LOL:
Cracking idea!

For bookshelf, read bookshelves.........several of them. Three full sized book cases in one bedroom and another two is one of the basement rooms.

A lot of fiction, Terry Pratchett, Jacqueline Carey, John Connolly, Jean M Auel, Melanie Rawn, George RR Martin, Val McDermid, Armistead Maupin.

Photography ones, three or four lighting ones both studio and outdoors, Three photoshop ones, Two wedding ones, Annabel Williams and a contemporary one, two portrait ones, and a collection of photograpy that I just like.

Perhaps if I read less and shot more?.............................:)
Cracking idea!

For bookshelf, read bookshelves.........several of them. Three full sized book cases in one bedroom and another two is one of the basement rooms.

A lot of fiction, Terry Pratchett, Jacqueline Carey, John Connolly, Jean M Auel, Melanie Rawn, George RR Martin, Val McDermid, Armistead Maupin.

Photography ones, three or four lighting ones both studio and outdoors, Three photoshop ones, Two wedding ones, Annabel Williams and a contemporary one, two portrait ones, and a collection of photograpy that I just like.

Perhaps if I read less and shot more?.............................:)

Likewise: I also have bookshelves full of travel books, walking books, cycling books, field guides, cell biology, physics, computer science, art books, cookery books, design books, thrillers (mostly forensic science - gruesome) and yes I do have some light-hearted satirical books. Not many DIY books as I only needed to learn how to put up bookshelves:LOL::LOL:
Books, curiously :)

Parked behind a couple of my models is the nucleus of my collection of mountaineering books, and a few fantasy/sci-fi novels...and my old Olympus OM-10!

Hurricane, Lightning, 2 Sea Kings - what's that in the middle?
Ooooohhh ... books... I love 'em. I have five bookshelves up in the attic in my office... everything from novels to travel books to reference books to books of photographs to ... well, pretty much everything. I have always wanted to have a house where I could have a room with floor to ceiling bookshelves ... my own personal library. One day ...
Ooooohhh ... books... I love 'em. I have five bookshelves up in the attic in my office... everything from novels to travel books to reference books to books of photographs to ... well, pretty much everything. I have always wanted to have a house where I could have a room with floor to ceiling bookshelves ... my own personal library. One day ...

Me too.:wave:
Bedside reading....
I find it preferable to have the most utilised book(s).....at the top.....:D

OOh John Hedgecoe books. I used to be friends with his son, Sebastian in the early 80's. There's pics of Seb in the books if I remember rightly. !
cba taking a photo but have a range of photography books (including that John Hedgecoe one as above), a few cookery books (gordon Ramsay etc) and a few Jeremy clarkson books, along with a few (hundred) monthly photo mags.
OOh John Hedgecoe books. I used to be friends with his son, Sebastian in the early 80's. There's pics of Seb in the books if I remember rightly. !

I've not read them yet, can't get past the top book, and if I did it'd probably be Vogue or the photograph auction catalogues.

post your mag pile...:LOL:


god, thats a sad sad sight :LOL:
i could easily double that mag pile, and i threw a couple of years worth away ;)
E=mc^2 for rest mass energy,
E=(gamma)mc^2 for relativistic particles :D

Quarks are crazy, specially all the different kinds, colours etc :)

Physics is great!
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i thought it was E=MC(squared)when i was in skool :razz:

E=mc^2 for rest mass energy,
E=(gamma)mc^2 for relativistic particles :D

Quarks are crazy, specially all the different kinds, colours etc :)

Physics is great!

No both - Einstein got it wrong its E=MT^2 (Energy = empty squared) the state of my brain at the moment:D and I've got a good recipe for cheese cake using Quark cheese.:D:D
Most of my books are stashed away in boxes, don't get much time for reading books any more, loads of Stephen King, James Herbert and lots of sci fi too. My book shelves now contain lots of motorsport and car books as well as car brochures and programmes from BTCC race meetings. Shelves also being over run with model cars.