What do you miss?


Jo Fisher
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I was just admiring Paul Iddon's shot of a Brimstone on an apple when it really dawned on me how much I am missing having my Sigma 105mm Macro this summer. I sit at the window and see all these beautiful butterflies floating around. More so this year as we made a conscious effort to encourage a wider variety this year. :( I wish I hadn't sold it now!

I also miss my nifty fifty at times.

So what equipment have you had in the past, but sold for what ever reason and now miss it?
Sell equipment?

What is this phenomenon of which you speak? Wash your mouth out woman!

(anything I've sold has been to facilitate an upgrade so I don't regret a single sale)

Other than a mercedes..........................
I miss 135L....i had it from Blinkerz for an hour or so but I still miss it :D
Canon 100mm Macro, I sold it because I had a 135L and 85L and thought I could do without it. I now have replaced it with a Sigma 105 Macro but it is not the same.
Vivitar manual focus 100mm f2.8 macro lens.
It was about 30 years old, sharp as a tack, immaculate, built entirely of metal so weighed a ton and to focus from one end to the other took about 4 turns of the ring. I did a straight swap for a Pentax 100mm f2.8 AF lens which is worth twice as much and have regreted it ever since as it gave absolutely stunning results when compared to the new lens.

If I could actually find another in such good condition I would buy it in a heartbeat.
Never sold any kit yet but am about to. I guess the good thing is one of the lenes i'm selling, we have 2 of as we got one each. The other... is a bit of an 'umm' and 'arrrrr' but we have the range covered & want other things. I guess if it's sitting in it's box it might as well go
Haven't got enough kit to be in a position to sell anything! Actually I did sell the kit lens, but that was only because I'd just bought a Tamron 17-50 f/2.8 which helped ease the pain a little :D
i really miss my d2x, 17-55 f2.8 70-200 f2.8 and a few of my primes! i got the d2x and 17-55 on the day of release.

i got out of photography a few years ago and as i hadnt picked up a camera in so long decided to sell everything to fund some other projects! recently gotten back into it (with an extremely crippling d2h and 50mm f1.8) with no real budget to fund new equipment.

however i do get fairly proud achieving some ok images with a 4mp camera, and more importantly the limitations of only using a 50mm on a crop sensor!
You know what I miss?
I was on today's shoot with 33 Med Regt (see thread in People & Portraits) and noticed that my right thumb was unconciously feeling for a wind-on lever...

I mean, I haven't used a camera with a wind-on lever in nearly 15 years...lol
Every time I sell something, shortly thereafter I regret it and vouch never to sell an item again; but stupid me, I end-up selling more stuff as I upgrade!

Of the bodies I've sold, my D70 x2 and D200 are the most I regret. Of lenses, 24-70 AF-S and 70-200 AF-S VR & 1.7 TC.

But what I really miss the most, not an item I've sold, but the lost opportunity of infinite possibilities that I wanted to shoot while in UK. I just miss being able to "walk out of the flat" with my camera and be within minutes at a place where I can shoot happily. This has been a huge sore for me.
You know what I miss?
I was on today's shoot with 33 Med Regt (see thread in People & Portraits) and noticed that my right thumb was unconciously feeling for a wind-on lever...

I mean, I haven't used a camera with a wind-on lever in nearly 15 years...lol

If you really miss these that much, I can very happily supply you some good oldish Minolta kit in part-exchange for your badly-valued D3x :D
I wished the other day I hadn't sold my Canon 100mm Macro... but I couldn't really afford to just have it sat there waiting for the odd day when it might get used.

I miss my gran too... but that's got bog all to do with the thread.
If you really miss these that much, I can very happily supply you some good oldish Minolta kit in part-exchange for your badly-valued D3x :D

Hmmm...tempting, but on reflection I'll have to pass...:D

plus I still have an old leica M6 I can sit in front of the TV with and twiddle...lol
I've had some really beautiful and exquisitely engineered cameras over the years that I've bought and sold different outfits but the one I really do miss is the clunky old bronny SQb.

I had to get a modern 645 kit for work shooting and there was no point in keeping 2 MF SLR systems going, so I let it go and at least it sees some use.
I don't miss any that I have sold as they all went to be upgraded, the only one that would possibly make a return if I had the money would be the 70-200 f/4 but with IS as it would be lighter in the summer months than the f/2.8

I have other things thay are much higher up the want list though :LOL: