What do you think?

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As a newbie I'm not sure if this is where I should post this, so apologies in advance if it isn't...

Looking back at my photos over the last few years, this is probably my favourite so thought I would share it on here. I'd appreciate hearing your thoughts, I accept it's not everyones cup of tea!

by Shoreham-Boy on Talk Photography
Its nice. I find the zip on the dress a bit distracting though, I wonder if you cropped it a bit more on the left so that the zip on her dress was no longer in the photo whether that would help? Or maybe it would leave too little of her in the photo..
Love it. Great colours, and scale. I like the way we can't see her face either... just could be anyone, which makes it less a portrait, and speaks more of dusty late summer... Nice work.
Alisonfd - I think you're right, now you've said it I am drawn to the zip. I'll try and crop it out. Thank you all for the comments.
for me a softer floater dress and maybe a straw hat. But given what you have, clone out the zipper, soften the dimple at her elbow, otherwise it is a nice crop, good detail and well executed. It would be worth a revisit ;)