What inspires your photography?

  • Thread starter PhotographyBuff
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What inspires your photography? What inspires you to engage in photography?
Well I know why I engage in photography but what is of interest to me is why you would want to know my reasons or any others reasons. It is a question you have asked before although worded differently.
Are you own reason not enough for you to continue?
Maybe you just have an assignment to hand in and you want help ASAP?
I am just curious.
Well I know why I engage in photography but what is of interest to me is why you would want to know my reasons or any others reasons. It is a question you have asked before although worded differently.
Are you own reason not enough for you to continue?
Maybe you just have an assignment to hand in and you want help ASAP?
I am just curious.

If you are that paranoid, you are free to keep your sources of inspiration private!
Well well, it is not me thats paranoid, but what a mouth you have......congarats you are my first to be put on ignore........
I’m a keen, enthusiastic photographer from North West Wales UK. I 'm lucky to live just within striking distance of the Snowdonia National Park. It is a magical place to walk and photograph. I'm very privileged indeed to be living in such a natural, beautiful and interesting part of the world. The reason I got into photography in the beginning was the need to try and capture that special moment. It was when I worked night shifts a long time ago I discovered that the pay back was the early morning walks home. I recall thinking to myself so many people are missing out massively as they're all still in bed. I soon then realised I needed a camera! Now when I'm not doing the day job or spending time with my young family, I like to be out and about enjoying the countryside and who knows I may one day get that perfect capture.

How about yourself photography buff, and do you have any photos to share to help me try and understand your question a little better? I look forward to viewing your work.
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What inspires your photography? What inspires you to engage in photography?

Literally anything. Photography is about the subject. The question should be "what interests you?" because that's usually what I end up shooting. If your interested in photography for the sake of it, then your images are probably gonna be pretty boring. Photography is just the medium I choose to use to discuss things I'm interested in.

You? What motivates you?
What inspires your photography? What inspires you to engage in photography?

The desire to record and interpret the world that is changing around me. This is a mixture of my family (photographing my daughter from 0-5 has been an amazing experience) and the urban / industrial landscape, as that is what interests me. I don't photograph much else other than the odd passing whimsy which rarely amounts to much.
I enjoy art, I love creating "pictures" but I can't paint or draw for toffee. :wacky:

Me too! I like Art and Art History but I ain't no Michelangelo! Every picture tells a story.

I was given my Grandad's Box Brownie and when I was 12, I got a Kodak Instamatic for Christmas.

I've never looked back:)!

I like photography because:

1. There's always such a lot to learn
2. It can be as creative/artistic as you want
3. It can be both solitary and sociable
4. I don't see how you could ever get bored with photography as a hobby
5. I like pictures that tell a story
I wish I knew!

I've been an on/off photographer for more decades than I care to remember and I can’t help but think that if I had a some idea what I wanted to achieve, even if that changed and evolved over time, then I might stand a chance.
Literally anything. Photography is about the subject. The question should be "what interests you?" because that's usually what I end up shooting. If your interested in photography for the sake of it, then your images are probably gonna be pretty boring. Photography is just the medium I choose to use to discuss things I'm interested in.

You? What motivates you?

In my case, it is nature that inspires my photography most of all, nature and landscapes.
In my case, it is nature that inspires my photography most of all, nature and landscapes.

Then if you're genuinely passionate about, and interested in nature, it will show in your work. :)
My children and not wanting to miss a second of them growing up .
In my case, like Dave (post 2) it's looking. I see something that interests me or catches my eye, analyse as well as I can why it attracted my attention, and then attempt to show that to others through photography.
I take photos of my family. The growing children inspires me when I go back and see the photos.
I've always loved looking at things around me. If no one sees it, I feel they are missing out. By taking a photo, i can 'try' and prolong the memory, and maybe even share it. Over the last 6 yes, it has moved from the natural surroundings to my new children.

They're photos are stored on a nas, and the tv is set to put the files on, so I get to see random pictures, and recant those memories...
My love of photography goes back to 1962 when I was 'loaned' a Box Brownie at the start of the Summer holidays. I was 7 years old and in Dublin. I wandered down to tbe docks where my grandfather and 3 uncles were dockers and used up my roll of film in a morning..... got them developed and printed (using all my holiday money) and got 6/7 reasonable shots and I was hooked. When I got backed to London I blagged a chance to use the adult section of the public library and started to learn the 'technical' stuff. Been my main hobby ever since and I still go out shooting with my 35mm kit on a regular basis. Still with my old Weston light meter!

In the 1970s and 80s I was involved with many photography clubs. One was Tottenham Camera Club in London and a visit by the (then) Sports Photographer Eamonn McCabe to a club evening where he talked about his work and how it developed, revitalised me to push my own boundaries. Hopefully I am still doing that these days. My other hobby is stamp collecting and have merged the 2 as I have started photographing my collection of misprinted stamps and the early Irish stamps from the time of the Irish Free State in the early part of the 1920s when British stamps were overprinted to reflect the new political ituation.

So am in the early stages of an EF-S 60mm macro with a cheap LED ringflash.

As a hobby photography has so many facets and pathways. I still keep it as a hobby but have, on occassions, done some paid work but I believe if I had to make a living with a camera, I think the joy might disappear for me.