What kind of pics can I shoot using Canon 17-85 IS?

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I bought a Canon 17-85 IS along with my 40D and I was wondering what kind of piccies can I shoot with this lens in comapny of a 10-20mm Siggy, 70-300 Siggy, 24-105 Canon in my kit bag?

Any suggestions?

Sure I can but I am deciding whether to keep it or sell as I have other 3 lens in the kit.

Will it be more suitable for a portrait kind of photography?
More to the point, why did you buy it? You've got the range covered with the 10-20 & 24-105.

Just curious I suppose!

Good question :thinking:

Came as a package deal with the 40D hence bought it. :(
I used to have the 17-85 but sold it. I now have sigma 10-20 and 24-105 L.

The 17-85 is very versatile as it can do wide angle and has a bit of reach compared to other lenses of its kind. It has IS too which is very handy. If you get a good copy of this lens, keep it, its handy to use when you only want to carry only 1 lens when you travel.
Any kind of photo you want to. I've still only got 18-55 IS lens with my 40D & will make the most of it until I can afford to get more.
When I first bought a film SLR the 17-85 would have covered the range of 3 fixed lens !
I'd personnally sell it on as you have that range covered with a far better lens, the 24-105L. Doesn't seem much point in keeping it.

I would neither touch nor recommend the 17-85...

Had one, sold it at a fair loss and very thankful for having sold it.

I would recommend the original 18-55 kitlens over it every time as this gives reasonably good IQ with minimal distortion by comparison

As has been said before in here, the 10-20 and the 24-105 will cover the range.

Dump the 17-85, use it as a paper weight or give it away to someone you really do not like...

Just my personal opinion of course...:D
If that 24-105 is the 'L', then get rid of the 17-85 :)