What make's the best forums?

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Hey Everyone. I'm new to this forum but really impressed with the set up and user-bilty. I've been on quite a few others and they're really messy and no good.
What do you all reckon makes the best forums for us photographers?
Welcome :wave:
What makes the best forums - to me its the people running them and the people on them, plus being easy to use and this one has got the lot :D
gotta be the people, loads of forums use the same basis but some are allways better and its the community, and TP has the best ;)
Firstly welcome :wave:

A good forum has to have good members, good advice, good banter and good mods to stop things getting silly. But most of all it needs to have a lot of posts to keep the interest.

This is far and away the best forum I have come across. I have asked stupid questions and always got sensible answers back. I have posted photos and always got constructive :)thinking:) comments, and I have learnt a huge amount about what it is and means to take a good photo and eventually I will get there.