what photoshop do i need?

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might sound like a silly question to alot of people out there but im looking to do car rig photography but wondering what photoshop would i need to remove the rig etc?cs6,elements or lightroom?can some one please point me in the right direction please.
Any version of Photoshop will offer the tools to remove the rig. CS5 or later will offer content aware functionality though, and that can be VERY useful for this kind of work.

Lightroom utterly sucks at this kind of work. Ideally LR is used alongside PS. Lightroom is where you make the broad adjustments at RAW level... lens profile adjustments, levels, curves, tonal changes, white balance etc... but you're actually planning high level retouching, and LR is crap at this.
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Next question.can i buy a version of photoshop out right or do i need to do the monthly subscription now?also what is creative cloud?
You can still buy Photoshop CS6 as s stand alone, licensed product, yes.

CC is the monthly service whereby you get automatic updates for your software. The latest versions are only availabel on CC.

Creative CLOUD is a bit of a misnomer, as the software is downloaded and installed locally like any other older photoshop product. The only cloud aspects are the updates, community and the online storage facility you get with CC. There's other bells and whistles too, but the software is NOT cloud based.
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So if i went for CC then would i still have to buy cs6 seperate then pay for the updates or do i just download it and pay monthly then thats it?
No... CS6 is not available on CC. CS6 is the previous version, and is only available as a stand alone, one time purchase. Photoshop CC is only available via Creative Cloud. If you get Creative Cloud you will HAVE Photoshop CC :)

CS6 = one time purchase, and is the old version. No CC subscription required.

CC = New version of all software you subscribe to (dependant on CC package you opt for) The Photography version gives you PS CC and Lightroom 5, Adobe Muse, and LR mobile.

Aaaaahhhh.ok now i get it.will go for the CC i think rather than splash out a fortune on cs6 just now.thanks for all the help
Your welcome.