what recommendation for 18-200mm for Nikon D5000

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As per title really, I'm looking for a lens to fit a Nikon D5000 to replace my kit lens and my Tamron 70-300 lens so ideally looking at an 18-200 or somewhere in that range, preferably with VR or equivalent. Budget I'm unsure of at the moment so I need to weigh up the pro's and con's of whatever you guys can recommend, I'm prepared to spend the right money for the right lens if that helps although it probably doesn't :LOL:

I've just looked at a few on ebay and found this and wondered what peoples thoughts are on it ? I've not tried a Sigma lens before so feedback would be very helpful here.

Any help would be appreciated (y)
I've been looking at 18-200s too. I tried out the Nikon and the Sigma in Jacobs recently. Picture quality from both was good, though the Nikon (at around £600) showed chromatic aberration, while the Sigma (at £288) didn't.

Also, note that the one on eBay that you linked to doesn't have image stabilisation. This one, though it costs about £107 more, does have it.
I've had the Nikon 18-200 VR for the last 4 years and I have to say it's been excellent for my needs as a 'do it all' lens.

The VR function is fantastic and really, really works... I cannot stress that enough!

My friend has the Sigma 18-200 and when we are both out shooting the same things, the shots from the Nikon just seem that tiny bit crisper than the Sigma.

Also worth noting is that the Nikon is a bit faster than the Sigma at the 200mm end which makes a bit of difference as well. Nikon is F5.6 and the Sigma is 6.3.
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I've been looking at 18-200s too. I tried out the Nikon and the Sigma in Jacobs recently. Picture quality from both was good, though the Nikon (at around £600) showed chromatic aberration, while the Sigma (at £288) didn't.

Also, note that the one on eBay that you linked to doesn't have image stabilisation. This one, though it costs about £107 more, does have it.

I've had the Nikon 18-200 VR for the last 4 years and I have to say it's been excellent for my needs as a 'do it all' lens.

The VR function is fantastic and really, really works... I cannot stress that enough!

My friend has the Sigma 18-200 and when we are both out shooting the same things, the shots from the Nikon just seem that tiny bit crisper than the Sigma.

Also worth noting is that the Nikon is a bit faster than the Sigma at the 200mm end which makes a bit of difference as well. Nikon is F5.6 and the Sigma is 6.3.

Thank you very much for this guys, I'm not familiar with the Sigma stuff as I said but feedback always helps and Tim, I don't think I'd buy one without as I've noticed quite a difference with the VR switched off :)
There's Nikon, Sigma and Tamron offerings in the 18-200+ range.

Each have their own benefits and drawbacks - what matters to you will decide which lens you want.

I went for the Nikon, as I could live without 200mm+ in exchange for a brighter lens at the long end. The zoom creep is a tad annoying but I can live with it for the convenience.
There's Nikon, Sigma and Tamron offerings in the 18-200+ range.

Each have their own benefits and drawbacks - what matters to you will decide which lens you want.

I went for the Nikon, as I could live without 200mm+ in exchange for a brighter lens at the long end. The zoom creep is a tad annoying but I can live with it for the convenience.

Thank you, I take your point in regards to the final choice but obviously just looking for other people's perspectives too as I find that contrasting feedback is invaluable when weighing up the pro's and cons :)
I have the Nikon 18-200 VR, its a good all rounder. I have to agree with Llamaman about the zoom creep but you get used to it. I have heard stories about the from element coming loose but i have not experienced this.
+1 for the Nikon VR 18-200 lens, this lens and my Sigma 10-20 fitted to a D200 body is my travel kit, for travelling light all around the world. Both these lens has produced some great images which have been accepted into various photo salons.