what should I do, what should I buy, how does this compare to that.......?

Edit My Images
Hmmm, not sure I agree entirely with the sentiment of the article. To a large degree it is the person and not the camera. Simple example would be using a P&S to take a snap of a pet dog. Joe Schmo might simple stand, point and shoot but Tony Tog could, using the same camera, consider where the light's coming from, crouch down for a better angle, etc. and get a better shot as a result.

Learning that stuff is, IMO, far more important than what gear you should buy because it doesn't matter if you own every lens and body in the world, if you still stand, point and shoot the picture will still be poorly composed and lit.
I think you just re-emphasised the final point there, though. Of course the wherewithal and skill is important, otherwise we would all be 'playing like Mozart'. ;)
Of course the problem with responding to anything Rockwell writes is that you never know when he's just pulling everyone's leg because as he says on his own About page:

While occasionally inspired by actual products or experiences, if you aren't a personal freind or lack a sense of humor or lack a decent BS detector, you're best off treating this site as a work of fiction. If you can't take a joke, please consider this entire site a joke, and any resemblance to any actual people, places, products or anything as purely coincidental.

edit: and this:

I love a good hoax. Read The Museum of Hoaxes, or see their site. A hoax, like this site, is done as a goof simply for the heck of it by overactive minds as a practical joke.
Of course the problem with responding to anything Rockwell writes is that you never know when he's just pulling everyone's leg because as he says on his own About page:

Thats a fair point, but I've always been under the impression that a disclaimer of that type suggests a cowardly attitude or immature pre-emptive strike. IE, my argument is ill-conceived and lacks research so if you dont agree with me or like what i've said, its ok as i was only joking.

Actually, that reminds me of the princess....... :)
I for one thought what Ken Rockwell wrote made very good sense.
I think Ken Rockwell likes the idea that people will argue endlessly about the stuff he puts on his site and sometimes enjoys baiting them. When you view his writings from that angle you do see them in a different light, or at least I do :nuts:
lol - useful to know ;)
I like the idea Rockwell is trying to get across in his rantings, if it helps someone who can't afford high end equipment to get out and think more, then it's great stuff. Some types of photography just arnt possible to do well without the right equipment obviously :)

If your writing causes debate, it drives people to your site, the ad's on his will make him quite a decent income with the level of traffic he gets. It's in his best interests to cause a stir :)

Some funny quotes here:


Only Ken Rockwell can take pictures of Ken Rockwell; everyone else would just get their film overexposed by the light of his genius
Chuck Norris is the Ken Rockwell of martial arts.