What the name of that shop?

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Perhaps this is a long shot but I remember someone here posting a link to a place that does second-hand lenses. This place, however, does a lot of the older lenses that are manual focus.

I know this isn't much information but I'd know it as soon as I see it. The list is split into Nikon and Canon (I don't think there are any others) and then by manual focus, auto focus etc. There's tons of lenses, especially older ones on the list. It's quite a basic designed listing also if it help? :shrug:
Nah, I saw that posted the other day which reminded me about this place. Their second hand section is laid out quite similar to Misfud's new products section - basic looking!

Still trying to think of it, I'm sure it's based in South England also.
Nah, these websites are too advanced looking. It's more like the Misfuds site but it's not Misfuds lol

It's doing my head in! Actually, I remember someone on here pm'ing me about a 300mm manual focus lens they were gonna sell for £80 odd and it was around this time it was mentioned. I think this guy had a D2x

Damn this is annoying! lol