What to replace my dlsr with?

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Hi all. I'm in a bit of a quandry at the moment.

I've decided that my slr is no longer required. It hasn't been out the bag since last Christmas and I normally end up taking the wife's camera if we go to the zoo etc just because it's so much easier to carry around.

I'm in the position that a friend who owns a camera business has made me a very good offer my all of my gear (Canon 50D, 100-400L, 24-105L etc) which will go a long way towards clearing my credit card. (y)

So I'm looking to buy something in and around the £500-700 region. I can't decide between a compact system, compact or bridge camera at the moment.

I mguess I'd still like to have a reach of 200mm or so ideally. RAW shooting is a must. But other than that as long as it's light enough to have round my neck and it a good quality piece of kit I'll be happy.

So far I'm thinking about one of the following.

This one for the reach http://www.wexphotographic.com/buy-panasonic-lumix-dmc-fz200-black-digital-camera/p1531830

This one for the features http://www.wexphotographic.com/buy-canon-powershot-g16-digital-camera-black/p1542322

And something like this for the possibility of lenses in the future http://www.wexphotographic.com/buy-...th-20-50mm-and-50-200mm-lenses-black/p1538742 although I'm not sure about the lack of a view finder.

I guess if I'm honest I'm favouring the Lumix. It kind of does everything I need. I'm no pro but I like to take nice pictures and have a play with the RAW files afterwards.

So what do people think? Is there anything else I should be considering?

Thanks in advance for any help.
Compact, good image quality?

I'd look at the FujiFilm offerings if me, seems they are most popular and everyone loves them for the jpegs they produce.
They don't really fit the bill for me to be honest. Your looking at £1000 for the body then need lenses. I might as well keep the 50D.
After a 50D with L-series lenses, I can't help feeling you'll be disappointed with the quality from a small-sensor compact or bridge camera. Also, how important is an eye-level viewfinder to you? If you don't mind just using a screen then some of the cheaper micro-4/3rds cameras or the Nex-3 or 5 would be give you the quality with a good choice of lenses. So you could start with a body and kit zoom and add a longer zoom later when funds allow. The Samsung in your third wex link is OK but they never seem to fare well in comparison with the Panasonic or Olympus m4/3 or the Sony Nex series.
I'll second the m4/3 suggestion. It may be slightly over your budget but how about a Lumix G5 with a 14-140mm lens? (I think that's a 28-240mm equivalent)
I moved from a Canon 50D with 24-105 f4L, Sigma 30mm f1.4 and 10-20mm had a 70-200 L previously, to a Fujifilm X-E1 with the 18-55 kit lens and 35mm f1.4 - Haven't looked back since to be honest. previously was the same as you, never bothered with the 50D as my whole kit was too big and felt a chore!
I'd go for the Nex6 from digitalrev. £639 for the body, 16-50 and 55-210.
Worth a look.
I was the same as you, had a Canon 40D with a few L's. Got to heavy to take anywhere. The wife complained about the weight. So sold it all and have since gone through about 6-8 different types of smaller cameras. never been really happy with the results though. The wife complained the most, said the snaps were never as good as the Canon set up.
Just got a Nikon D3200 with the kit lens and the 1st picture she took she just smiled. I am really surprised at how small and light it is. I have ordered a small shoulder type bag for it, enough room in it if I get a slightly larger lens.
The Canon 100D body, little bit smaller, with a 18-200 lens might be an option as well.
Have you looked at the Canon 100 D? It is tiny, in comparison.

But personally, I don't find it a huge difference what kind of DSLR I lug around, especially with those heavy lenses.

You certainly are in a tough situation. Maybe sell it all and keep shooting with your wife's camera? :D
I often take my Fuji X10 on days out if i can't be bothered to carry my D700 round all day. Can't think of a time when I've regretted it. Alternatively, I put a 50mm on the D700 as it's lighter and less bulky than a zoom.
I guess it depends on what you're shooting, but if you're not missing the DSLR, then a CSC or high end compact will be more than adequate for your needs.
I see Currys are doing the Panasonic G3 for £240 lots of good reviews but not seen anything on here about it
I see Currys are doing the Panasonic G3 for £240 lots of good reviews but not seen anything on here about it

£199 here:

I have one and it's a good little camera and ergonomically I preferred it to the Olympus models I tried. I still prefer the ergonomics of a dslr but the newer models of the G series (G5, G6) are supposed to be better in that respect than the G3. Image quality will be about the same though and for 200 quid it's a bargain. For me micro four thirds shines when used with good prime lenses - some of the good less expensive options include the 19mm, 30mm and 60mm Sigma lenses, the 20mm Panasonic and the 45mm Olympus.

For more reach look at adding something like the Panasonic 45-150mm.
Thanks for all the replies guys.

Decision made tonight. All current gear sold. 700D with Sigma 18-250 ordered.

I feel that this way I have decent quality equipment still. A good sized sensor. And if I do miss the 100-400L I can just pick another one up.
What about the EOS-M? Recently I've heard good things about it. Not too expensive now either.
Okay too late you've already decided. Next time I'll read till the end of the thread ;)
£199 here:

I have one and it's a good little camera and ergonomically I preferred it to the Olympus models I tried. I still prefer the ergonomics of a dslr but the newer models of the G series (G5, G6) are supposed to be better in that respect than the G3. Image quality will be about the same though and for 200 quid it's a bargain. For me micro four thirds shines when used with good prime lenses - some of the good less expensive options include the 19mm, 30mm and 60mm Sigma lenses, the 20mm Panasonic and the 45mm Olympus.

For more reach look at adding something like the Panasonic 45-150mm.

I'm tempted by that but is the kit lens any good, body only is only £10 cheaper, I guess I need to look at the other lenses and prices
I'm tempted by that but is the kit lens any good, body only is only £10 cheaper, I guess I need to look at the other lenses and prices

Don't know I got mine body only last year for £200 as I already had the 14mm and 20mm lenses and an Olympus kit lens. But for £10 more probably worth getting as even if you don't use it you can keep it in a cupboard in case you want to sell the camera at some stage as it will be easier to sell with a lens and the lens will add more than £10 to the value.

Lens prices (new) are around £100 for the older version of the Sigma 19mm 2.8 and 30mm 2.8 (optically the same as the newer ones which are £150 to £160), the 60mm 2.8 Sigma is £150, the Olympus 45mm 1.8 is around £200 and the Panasonic 20mm 1.7 (older version) is around £240 I think. The 14mm 2.5 is often around £120 on ebay, new but split from kit). Buying used should save you around 20 to 25% on the above prices.
Don't know I got mine body only last year for £200 as I already had the 14mm and 20mm lenses and an Olympus kit lens. But for £10 more probably worth getting as even if you don't use it you can keep it in a cupboard in case you want to sell the camera at some stage as it will be easier to sell with a lens and the lens will add more than £10 to the value.

Lens prices (new) are around £100 for the older version of the Sigma 19mm 2.8 and 30mm 2.8 (optically the same as the newer ones which are £150 to £160), the 60mm 2.8 Sigma is £150, the Olympus 45mm 1.8 is around £200 and the Panasonic 20mm 1.7 (older version) is around £240 I think. The 14mm 2.5 is often around £120 on ebay, new but split from kit). Buying used should save you around 20 to 25% on the above prices.

Thanks for the info, I'm going to pop into Currys tomorrow to have a play