Beginner What type of camera should I get?

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I am looking to buy a camera as I am going on honeymoon later in the year to Madrid, New York and St.Lucia.

I used to own a Nikon D3200 and it was great, capable of more than i knew what to do with. The only issue I had was that when I went to Rome with it I realised for the first time that its just too much. Carrying around a backpack with lenses, batteries, tripod etc isnt that fun when your on holiday with the mrs!

Because of this i am ruling out DSLR's. I am basically looking for something that will take a good quality picture, have some manual controls, a decent zoom and to just basically be better than my Samsung S5 phone camera!

My budget is fairly strict due to the wedding costs, so absolute max of £150, ideally a little less would be good! I understand this isnt a lot but im sure it will buy me something better than a phone!

What is worth looking at for that price? Would you get a compact or bridge?

Ideally new but refurbed will be ok.

I will take a look at that link, thanks.
The XF1 in that link has a good following on here (massive 200 odd page thread) but is limited zoom.
i will search for that thread when im on my pc, browsig on my phone at the minute. In general what is liked about it? is 12mp not low these days?

What about the s8500?
I see they've hooked you with the old more megapixels = better camera trick. Basing a camera choice on the megapixel count is pure foley. How big are you intending to blow these pictures up?
Don't know about the s8500, totally different intended use to the xf1. One fits in the pocket, the other doesn't, you'd know its intended use the best.
My budget is fairly strict due to the wedding costs, so absolute max of £150

At that budget I would probably get this used one: -16-50_115532.html

Smaller than a bridge camera and you can remove the lens to make it even more compact for travelling, APS-C sized sensor at 16MP should give decent low light performance, good dynamic range, decent subject tracking etc, kit lens is OSS which helps keep videos nice and unshaky.

You get a lot of camera for the money.

If you want something even more compact then there's always this combination:

Equiv of a 24mm on a full frame and I can fit that in my jacket pocket no problem.
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Well that all went tits up... I have just bought a Sony RX100 iii

Decided I might as well get something a bit more future proof and of higher quality and it should last me several years over which there are a lot of important dates for me to capture.

I'll just tell the Mrs the standard '50% rule' - Anything I think she will deem too expensive is reduced by 50% making it seem a bargain!

I do it slightly different and say it normally costs twice as much so that it all ties back with what I paid lol
That's probably a safer tactic - I dread the thought of my other half selling my stuff for the price she thinks I paid!!!!
So that would be quarter the price in the end? Ouch!!!
Just feel a bit silly recommending some bargain basement refurb'd cameras in a budget when you've bought a £500 compact.
Why? I asked what was worth looking at with a £150 budget and you answered it with good recommendations. Just because I then felt paying the extra money for something else was worthwhile shouldnt make you feel 'silly'.
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Enjoy the day, the honeymoon and the camera! Hope the overspend was worth it - it usually ends up being so.