What was your first camera?

Dan 'Saul' Knight
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Sorry if it's been covered before, but I'm just interested what people's first camera was.

Mine was a Zorki 4 with a 55 2.8 lens, presented to me by my Dad on my 8th birthday. Still have it somewhere....

Fist digital was a Casio something in 1997 I think.
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Got a few brownies somewhere that belonged to my Grandma. never put any film through them though.
Kodak 110 Instamatic.

First SLR was a Pentax S1, soon followed by a Spotty or 2
Kodak box brownie. still got it somewhere:)
A plastic brightly coloured point and shoot with no zoom in the early 90's. (in a box in the loft)

Followed by a Canon eos 500n when I was about 8/9 years old in 1999 (still have and it still works perfectly although the paint and grip shows quiet heavy wear)
Canon AE-1 - borrowed/stolen from my dad. still got it although the wind lever is jammed.
I would like to say My eyes are my first camera :cool: and brain :bonk:is the memory card, but I know that you guys will not accept it.

So it is Nikon AF3
Mine woud be the family 127 Box Brownie when I was a kid, but the first camera I bought with my own hard -earned was a Kodak Colorsnap 35mm.I shot one roll of film through it, realised I'd made a big mistake, and traded it straight back in for my first SLR, a Practica 1VF with 2.8 Tessar lens. Been cursed ever since! ;)
Praktica TL 1000 with a 50mm F1.8 and 135mm F2.8 lens.

Learnt all the basics on that - knowledge that is still with me today.
A Practica 35mm 110 film camera from Argos when I was about 11. Just a basic £20 point and shoot with shutter button and automatic winder!
I have vague memories of playing around with my parents' Kodak Instamatic 125 when I was a child but the first camera I owned was a cheap and cheerful 35mm compact.

My first digital camera was a Canon 2mp compact.
Chinon CE-4 from Dixons around 1980.... it got around a bit. At least 20-odd oil platforms in the North sea, as well as Spain, Italy, Portugal, Germany, Yugoslavia, France and South Africa. Should have kept it for sentimental reasons....
A Brownie 127.

And no, I don't still have it.

(y) My first camera was a Kodak Brownie 127 as well. We seem to be following the same route as we both have Canon 40D's now.
First camera was something that took polaroids when I was about 7 - that's long gone, first SLR was a Minolta 7000i, which I still have.
My first DSLR - 20D still got it. However my first camera.. some sort of compact fuji finepix
Kodak 110 thingy....

My wife still has her 126 Rangefinder...

My first SLR was a Praktica (MTL3 I think)

Praktica TL 1000 with a 50mm F1.8 and 135mm F2.8 lens.

Learnt all the basics on that - knowledge that is still with me today.

Pretty much the same, my dad, a retired professional commercial photographer wouldn't let me buy an SLR with any auto modes (not even aperture priority!) and about the only thing that allowed was a Praktica, I think a BMS though I may be wrong.
My first camera was a Praktica MTL3 - heavy, unreliable, metering had a somewhat tenuous grasp on reality, the winder mechanism shredded every 5th film on average and it came in a (n)ever ready case that cracked the first day I got it. Dragged it up and down half the hills in the lake district, lots of scotland, and up and down a whole bunch of alps, culminating in it's final journey most of the way up the Aig. du Midi, and then down again. Quickly... when it dropped off the Bivi Ledge we were on. I think it did something like 600 yards straight down before it bounced the first time. Thankfully, there was nobody below for it to crush!
I seem to remember saving tokens from something or another, in order to get a plastic thing with a plastic lens. It took 126 film, the cartridge clipping on the outside, forming the back and side grips! I was quite young, maybe 10? Puts it around mid-70's.
First SLR was a Practika MTL3, 1980-ish. Closely (very closely!) followed by an ME Super. I still have a soft-spot for Pentax ME/MG's :)
I had a fujifilm bridge camera but my first proper camera was my 5D and 24-70. And a cracking camera it is too.
Fujifilm finepix 4700z, bought about 5 months ago for £40 secondhand in a charity shop (damn good considering its 10 years old)

Got my 400d about 10 weeks ago, now im aching for a 50d :D
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A Kodak Rainbow Hawkeye vest pocket, and miraculously I do still have it.
It took 127 roll film and was last serviced by Kodak in 1947 according to a sticker inside it. I was about 12 at the time my Uncle gave it to me.

The first one I actually chose was a Yashica rangefinder of some description. I don't have that one now, but it got me started.
I'm still young so my first was a Samsung Digimax i6 compact (I got it because it could play movie files... That was my priority at 17).

First DSLR, Nikon D60, first film camera (2 years later) Praktica MTL3.
Very first would have been some 35mm compact... first SLR was a zenith when I was about 8 ish?
My first serious type camera was the olympus OM10 35mm,loved it.:)
Kodak instamatic with the disposable flash cubes -must have been about 1980- you had to remember which way the mechanism rotated if you took the flash off the camera.

First SLR - Minolta Dynax 500si
Kodak instamatic with the disposable flash cubes -must have been about 1980- you had to remember which way the mechanism rotated if you took the flash off the camera.

There was a tiny sprung clip which triggered the flash on those. If you flicked it, not only could you blind yourself, you could burn your fingers at the same time. Heaven for a curious boy like me :)