What was your first camera?

Don't know what make it was but a 35mm el cheapo by way of collecting a zillion Texaco tokens! That was the first one I owned when I was 17. Before that I borrowed my grannies Halina 110 from time to time. First SLR was an EOS 1000.
Mine was a FujiFilm finepix 2200 IIRC, it was 2MP took a strange memory card and cost about £300 at the time from PC World in 2000. Still works though! :D

Moved onto a Panasonic Lumix FZ8 years later and enjoyed that. First dSLR was a 450d.
Hi Bazza. Mine has been 'resting' for about 30 years now (how time flies!) but it was in great condition when I got it and I put about 20 films through it while treating it like a baby so it's still in lovely condition. I have wondered occasionally what it would be worth but, like you, it has too much sentimental value to consider selling it and I never fail to admire the workmanship when I handle it.

When I last checked I would be lucky to get £25 for the camera and Rollie flashgun. have to agree, the engineering that went into making the camera is something to be admired

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I had a cheap 35mm compact camera when I was 16 (no idea of the make, made from plastic). Then I moved up to a Praktica LTL3 with a 50mm and 135mm lens "collection". I bought a Nikkormat FTn in 1985, which I still have.
First digital one was a Canon A410 which I have to this day (saying that it wasn't THAT long ago :p), before that just had the disposables. Recently sold my Fuji S200EXR and bought my first "proper" DSLR, Canon 20D.
a Practica MTL5B kit with 50mm and 80-200 lenses as a kit from Argos in about 1987
1st camera Brownie 127
1st slr was a Russian thing zenith I think
1st digital fuji fine pix 0.5mp (nice apart from 3 sec shutter lag)
1 digital slr Canon D30
Zenith SLR. Won a compatition with it when I was 12!!

Funny thing is it's only now that I'm working out how on earth I took the picture in the first place (DOF etc!)
Zenith EM was my first proper camera. Again, i didn't know how to use it. Got a slightly battered Zenith E on my shelf here. The lens has a big dent in the rim!! Used to be my wifes uncles camera.
Mine was a Zenit-e with a 44mm? lens. I still have it sitting here. It's the same camera David Eustace used to get into photography (the exact same one, my dad gave him a loan of it when they worked together in the prison service). It seems to still be in working condition but looking through the viewfinder is very dark/hazy. I might try put a film through it one of these days!
<----- Mines as my avatar... Olympus c2100uz otherwise known as the UZI A ground breaking camera in its time.. 10 times optical zoom f2.8 throughout the range with image stabalisation.. Camera was released 12 years ago! :)
Mine was a Zenit-e with a 44mm? lens. I still have it sitting here. It's the same camera David Eustace used to get into photography (the exact same one, my dad gave him a loan of it when they worked together in the prison service). It seems to still be in working condition but looking through the viewfinder is very dark/hazy. I might try put a film through it one of these days!

The one i have is very hazy looking in the viewfinder. I have a roll of film sitting next to it to try one day!
The first camera I *used* was my parent's Kodak Instamatic 333 (a 126) that I took on a school trip when I was 8 or 9.

My first self-owned camera was a Kodak Tele-Ektra 32 (a 110) that I won in a competition when I was 9 or so.

After that it was my first SLR at 11 or 12, a Zenit 11 with its wonderful selenium meter.
A Nikon D40x, which is still used occasionally. It's primary role these days is a bit like Beaker from the muppets - it's always the first camera I test a new lens, flash or technique on (in case of the lens/flash, or me, being faulty I'd rather the D40x bit the bullet than any of my other two cameras). In fact after a good 3-4 years of gathering dust on the sensor it's just had it's first encounter with a rocket blower - I'd never attempted to clean a sensor before so the D40x was naturally the test subject - and it's now looking as good as new again.

The secondry role is that of a "being where I really shouldn't be" camera. Combined with the cheapo kit 18-55 and the 55-200 lenses it's a camera that I don't have to worry about if it's stolen, smashed by some uncharitable rioting thugs or siezed by the authorities etc. The only thing I'd worry about in these circumstances is getting to memory card first.
Mine was a Zenit-e with a 44mm? lens.

It was actually a 58mm lens, Helios used a weird product/version numbering system that confused everyone, so you had the 40M that was a 85mm lens, and the 44M that came standard with pretty much every zenit which was a 58mm lens.

On an E it would probably be a 44M-2, on an EM it would probably be a 44M-3 or 44M-4, certainly the '11 that came a couple of years later was a 44M-4.

The soviets (and later non-soviet Russians) made millions of those things, but they were surprisingly good quality (they're just Carl Zeiss Jena Bioptars manufactured by Helios). Ebay is almost constantly flooded with hundreds of them, for around £10-30 each.
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First camera I used was one of my parents' point & shoot cameras, think they were both 126. I just vaguely remember taking pictures on school holidays.

My first camera was a plastic 35mm P&S, for some reason I keep thinking of Hanimex but that could be a trick of the memory. I remember buying it for about £15 when I got my first job and thinking it was a proper camera because I had to handle the film to load it. :)

My first SLR was a Nikon FG with 50mm lens bought second-hand about 20 years ago.
My first camera was a Russian "Cosmic Symbol" mind you that is going back a few years. I must have been about 12 and i think received it asa a Christmas pressie.
As I mentioned earlier my first camera was a Brownie 127, but my first digital camera was the Casio QV-10, the world's first digital camera. It cost me a fortune and never really produced a decent photograph. In fact I almost gave up photography after that. :LOL:
The first camera I handled was the family Coronet, a plastic 127 camera. Then, as I had shown some skill (I didn't cut people's heads off in my photos unlike everyone else who used it) I was given an Instamatic 33.

At school I joined the photography club and upgraded to a Cosmic 35, a Russian camera that had to have the shutter cocked with a lever before each shot. After that came a Zenit B and by the time I was a student I had upgraded again to an Olympus OM10.
Zenit E in 1980, don't know what ever happened to it - it taught me a lot about DoF/exposure, in a funny way I miss the whole fully manual thing, I think it made me think more about what I was photographing (as did the cost of film and developing!)
My very first camera was one of those kodak instamatic 110 things with the disposable flash on a plastic stalk that plugged into the top.

Then i move on to my dads old Ilford 'special' - which was a very old compact,

Then when my grandad died he left me his old konica - which was essentially a SLR with full manual control but a fixed lens - and teleconverters that screwed onto the front

Then I eventually got a Nikon F and a couple of lenses

Then I discovered alcohol and girls and lost interst in photography for many years - sold the nikon and bought an electric guitar with the money, and set out to become next jon bon jovi - unfortunately my dreams were scupered by a total lack of musical talent :LOL:

about 12 years ago I renewed my interest in togging with first a pentax P30, then an MZ6, MZ30, and MZS - Helped to the decision by rolling a floating hide and killing the MZS and 400mm I then sold all my remaining pentax gear to my mum , and bought a Canon 30E, then went digital with a 10D , 300D, and 20D
Brownie 127, probably around 1960. It had a chip in the body with a piece of black tape over it. I also had a 120 Kodak folding camera, with a manually cocked shutter when I was about 9 or 10 and managed to take some decent photographs with it, which goes to show that manual - real manual without any meter or auto focus - isn't that hard!

I've had quite a few cameras since then, but the only film ones I've kept are my Nikons (F2 and FM). I'm not very sentimental about "stuff", but the F2 is still my favourite camera.
I don't remember the name of my first camera, but I did use my brothers box tengor once or twice. I got mine at the end of the war, second hand. I remembert it was a 6x9 folder and had a 7.7 lens and 4 speed shutter, and front cell focusing. It was pretty terrible but worked well enough. I developed the first film under the stairs , sea saw fashion.