whats the maximum file size i can upload? keep getting error.

Uploading a File to TP (using the button below the Post box, or to your gallery, accessible from the top menu bar):
Accepted file types: .png, .jpg, .jpeg, .gif
Max file size: 350 KB
Max image width: 1,024 pixels
Max image height: 1,024 pixels

Anything bigger than this will fail with an error message.
I wonder if someone can help, i can set the export sizing to the 1024x1024 but can't get my images down to 350kb in lightroom?
I wonder if someone can help, i can set the export sizing to the 1024x1024 but can't get my images down to 350kb in lightroom?

It's a straightforward task to specify maximum file size in LR. Under the Export dialogue box, go to File Settings, and tick 'Limit file size' and enter 350 in the box.

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