What's your fine?

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Got this in an email the other day and I thought it was funny, so of course I had to share it with all of you.:D Go through all the fines, see what you did then add up your score,lol

-Smoked pot -- $10
-Did acid -- $5
-Ever had sex at church -- $25
-Woke up in the morning and did not know the person who was next to you-$40
-Had sex with someone on MySpace -- $25
-Had sex for money -- $100
-Vandalized something -- $20
-Had sex on your parents' bed -- $10
-Been jumped -- $10
-Crossed dressed -- $10
-Given money to stripper -- $25
-Been in love with a stripper -- $20
-Kissed some one who's name you didn't know -- $1.00
-Hit on some one of the same sex while at work -- $15
-Ever drive drunk -- $20
-Ever got drunk at work, or went to work while still drunk -- $50
-Used toys while having sex -- $30
-Got drunk, passed out and didn't remember the night before -- $20
-Went skinny dipping -- $5
-Had sex in a pool -- $20
-Kissed someone of the same sex -- $10
-Had sex with someone of the same sex -- $20
-Cheated on your significant other -- $10
-Masturbated -- $10
-Cheated on your significant other with their relative or close friend --
-Done oral -- $5
-Got oral -- $5
-Done / got oral in a car while it was moving
- $25
-Stole something -- $10
-Had sex with someone in jail -- $25
-Made a nasty home video -- $15
-Had a threesome -- $50
-Had sex in the wild -- $20
-Been in the same room while someone was having sex -- $25
-Stole something worth over more than a hundred dollars -- $20
-Had sex with someone 10 years older -- $20-
-Had sex with someone under 21 and you are over 27 -- $25
-Been in love with two people or more at the same time -- $50
-Said you love someone but didn't mean it -- $25
-Went streaking -- $5
-Went streaking in broad daylight -- $15
-Been arrested -- $5
-Spent time in jail -- $15
-Peed in the pool -- $0.50
-Played spin the bottle -- $5
-Done something you regret -- $20
-Had sex with your best friend -- $20
-Had sex with someone you work with at work --$25
-Had anal sex -- $80
-Lied to your mate -- $5
-Lied to your mate about the sex being good -- $25

Tally up your score now and see what your fine is!!! :LOL:
Christ - I'm morally and finacially bankrupt:embarrassed:
Anyone got a calculator better than the standard windows one? Doesnt seem to be powerful enough :p
And anyone who doesn't have an odd 50p in their score had best add on a few $$$'s for telling lies! :p
In all honesty though, £535/50 (Probably when I was younger)
And anyone who doesn't have an odd 50p in their score had best add on a few $$$'s for telling lies! :p

Got to the point where the odd $0.50 and $1 just became unnecessary. Speaks volumes for our cousins across the pond when getting arrested or a drink driving ban is a fraction of the fine for certain.... ahem...... sexual activities ;)
Thats more of a things to do before you die list isnt it... (with certain exceptions... bum sex :puke: etc)
$226 for one instance of each violation, for some violations multiply that by approx ? ( incalculable!)

And I'm not telling you which ones! :p

Whether I'm a good girl or not is a matter of opinion :D
Well I must be an angel as I'm in around £200 of course i've never peed in a pool :D
$226 for one instance of each violation, for some violations multiply that by approx ? ( incalculable!)

And I'm not telling you which ones! :p

Whether I'm a good girl or not is a matter of opinion :D

Susane - V. Saucy:naughty:


Saucy Susane lol :LOL:
$206.50 so i must be a good boy :D

I dont want to be though :LOL: :naughty:
$235.5 See, I'm a good girl really ;) Not telling what they are all for though, although you can work out at least one of them :LOL: :LOL:

Great thread Jules (y)
Could of been worse, less than the price of 2 wing mirrors - see my previous thread for details of what that costs!

Saucy Susane lol :LOL:

$436.50, I'm going to try to reach $500 :D
I dont even want to start adding mine up
$416.5. and never mind about going for a drink with TPers, looking at the fines the moral should be don't go swimming with them!
$725.50! What have I been doing!!!
Does dressing up as Nun count as cross dressing :thinking: :D

(I never got caught. :) )
Thats more of a things to do before you die list isnt it... (with certain exceptions... bum sex :puke: etc)

I dunno, I hear its not that bad....as long as you find one that isn't paraletic on 14 cans of special brew :LOL:
There is no 5th in the UK - perhaps a 1-2-1 counselling session is needed:D