What's your mojo (currently)

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Now that the winter months have set in what do you do photography wise?

The nights come in quick, the sun is harsh and it is bloody well freezing outdoors, in other words I'm an old soft git that hates the winter.

The past few days I have been on YouTube a lot watching various tutorials (Photoshop / Capture One) and I have found a few that re very informative.

So, what do you lot do that the winter is now upon us.
So, what do you lot do that the winter is now upon us.

Have a couple of extra hours sleep before getting up for sunrise :)

Yes, photos are pretty much limited to weekends - but that's fairly usual anyway.

Some great conditions, frost, mist, snow, colours, the light is lovely, low & soft for a good few hours really which is great for shooting rather than a June sunrise where within 10 minutes of sunrise the sun is too harsh & too high.

Yes, you have to wrap up warm..... But we spent a good few hours shooting stars over in Wiltshire one evening last week which was chilly & spent over 3 hours stood on a big hill in Wales shooting Aurora last night which was even colder :) I think my mate who drove said it was -3 on his car readout. Luckily there was no wind :)
I think you have to be more tactical with your photography. So, a little compact camera that fits in your pocket is often a good thing. You can whip it out at a moments notice. In many cases I've rediscovered the joys of taking a photograph.
I think you have to be more tactical with your photography. So, a little compact camera that fits in your pocket is often a good thing. You can whip it out at a moments notice. In many cases I've rediscovered the joys of taking a photograph.
Agreed but you still have to go out to use it and I'm a bit like a bear, I hate the cold, I really should hibernate over the winter :)
Agreed but you still have to go out to use it and I'm a bit like a bear, I hate the cold, I really should hibernate over the winter :)
Well, it been best described as fresh around these parts. But with some nice sun. I don't mind that so much because often if you are out and about doing something anyway it's a matter of pausing for a few minutes to take a few shots.
I love the low sun, frosty plants, mistiness, strong clouds in the skies. When the sun goes down the town looks much more exciting.
I accompaniedSWMBO on the early dog walk this morning (7am), a 5 mile wander through the park and around a fishing lake. It was truly cold so wrapped up well and felt toasty inside my coat, but was also very misty. It didn't get light enough for photographing until about 8am ish, but I did manage a few misty trees capes and shots of swans and other birds on the iced over lake. Sadly the Heron that is often there was absent this morning.

The bottom line is that you need the right clothes, then it's a great time for photography. However if you just can't face it, then I guess is macro and still life or studio-type stuff.
I suppose it does depend on what you like to photograph as well. I like damp and decay, rural and run down. So winter is probably a better time.
There's a cemetery near us and for years I avoided it but recently me and Mrs WW have been walking through it reguarly so I've been taking pictures there. Also I'm always buying something and often it's a lens so getting a new one prompts me to test it out :D
I actually prefer photography in the Winter over summer provided it's a relatively sunny day. The sun is low in the sky so never too harsh and sunrise/sunsets are at a reasonable hour.

The only issue is that relatively sunny days are few and far between here in Wales.
At this time of year it’s the zoo , it’s quieter this time of year and as already mentioned the light can be nicer with a bit of sun but not too harsh
Always seem to find something to photograph even though I’ve been many times :)
I have no mojo, having placed anti-magic wards all around the house and done the "Ministry of Silly Walks" high speed shuffle the required ten times.

As to photography, I'm still just capturing anything that interests me, such as this telephone pole that has several new attachments, which may be related to the fibre changeover...

Telephone pole the Colony Exmouth TZ70 P1030991.JPG
I tend to look out for leaf shots around this time of year, often still colour on the trees, or piles of leaves in the gutter. Then it's the Christmas aspect, Christmas lights or decorations. Christmas parades, and if it's dry a wander either early or late for fristy ground, leaves or even frozen water if you have streams, pools or waterfalls near.
Still get out and about as much as possible. I was off work Friday, so I spent Friday morning and then Saturday morning having a wander around different areas of Epping Forest in the frost and fog. I dont really care what the weather is like to be honest, as generally I am only able to get out at the weekends and have to deal with whatever weather im given. Epping Forest still has bags of colour as the Autumn was very late to arrive. I havent quite reached the 'looking around the house for interesting items to photograph using various lighting set-ups' phase of the year yet, and im hoping for lots more frost, fog and some snow to keep me going out :)
Now that the winter months have set in what do you do photography wise?

The nights come in quick, the sun is harsh and it is bloody well freezing outdoors, in other words I'm an old soft git that hates the winter.

The past few days I have been on YouTube a lot watching various tutorials (Photoshop / Capture One) and I have found a few that re very informative.

So, what do you lot do that the winter is now upon us.
Not a lot really owing to a serious upper leg injury which inhibits walking, so I am sorting out all my older negatives and scanning them into 'page sets' to make a meaningful. catalogue for easy access when and if I need them.
Normally I love the winter living in a tourist area the lack of people is super , this week though everything has gone tits up , wife’s not well , the dog needed eye surgery ,I have inner probs and spent 5 hours in ENT yesterday and now need a scan .. ..so this week mojo has gone totally ..
with the wife not well I know how the romans felt when there slaves ran off to join Spartacus
Normally I love the winter living in a tourist area the lack of people is super , this week though everything has gone tits up , wife’s not well , the dog needed eye surgery ,I have inner probs and spent 5 hours in ENT yesterday and now need a scan .. ..so this week mojo has gone totally ..
with the wife not well I know how the romans felt when there slaves ran off to join Spartacus
I have a thing on at the moment but is still in the embryo stage and that is recording as much of the remaining sites where the North East heavy industries such as coal mining, lead mining and railways, paved the way into the Industrial Age from the start of the 18thC. It is fascinating what men achieved without any mechanical aids using spades carts and horses Hence a lot of walking is involved.