When I grow up.....


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I want to be a chef.......

43 years after leaving school.. never got anywhere close to being a chef.. and here I am a full time sports Photogrpaher and have been for the last 6 yrs.. allsorts before that.. Always worked but never as a chef.... Watching chef programs now always interest me.. BUT has made me think.. glad I didn't do it :)

So ...Did you do what you wanted ?
I never really had any great ambitions.
At the age of 15 I sat for an entrance exam for a technical job for a large telecommunications company (think British Telecom, but in Australia) to see what would happen.
Three of us from the industrial city where we lived were accepted. My dad said it sounds like a good job, and if you don't accept it you will most likely be a coal miner (he was). So I left home at 15 1/2 and never returned to live with my parents. It was almost always a great job and paid very well. 37 years latter I took a redundancy and picked (about 2 weeks latter) up a part time job, for the next 5 years, in a bank call centre (customer service).
Growing old is mandatory growing up is optional. I intend not to succumb to the latter.
When I was 12 I wanted to be an astronomer. Then I got a ZX81 and from that point I wanted to program computers.

Today, I program computers.
When I was at school I wanted to join the navy, then I went on a school trip down the River Dart in bad weather ... having spent the entire trip rolling around being sick I realised the navy wasn't for me :D
I've never had a particular ambition to be anything - certainly not a grown up. I'm extremely lucky to have achieved that ambition, although I'd give anything to have my parents back fit and well.
When I was at school I wanted to be a vet, even spent 3 years 'working' at a practice in my hometown with a real old school vet and his wife [this was back in the mid 80's, think James Herriot meets suburbia in north west England] in the evenings & during holidays. Sadly, whilst I flew through most of my O-levels, I totally failed Physics, which completely threw a spanner in the works of that one! Spent my adult life mainly in the motor trade [pet owners and car owners have a LOT of traits in common funnily enough], a brief break for a few years where I trained as a computer techie, before eventuallly moving into paid photography from a pretty much life long hobby.
"What do you want to be when you grow up?" something my mother used to harang me about, Doctor, Pilot, Engineer.

None of the above it kind of went
Medical Research Technician (was good at that and really enjoyed it, but being thick and not haveing qualifications knocked that on the head)
Car Sales Man (interesting but not for me)
Selling Fax and Telex Machines (no not recommended)
Working in a shop selling Cameras (great fun)
Back into Medical Research (short period)
and for the last 20 years been a Software Tester, which ic the best job in the world unless your a programmer and I am testing your stuff :D

Sure I have done more things but that is the main bullet points.
I never really had a clue what I wanted to do. In fact I'm now 40 own my own company with 34 drivers and STILL don't know what I want to do.

Although I know what DON'T want to do....So I'm narrowing it down:D
As a kid I was all set to be a professional sportsman until geography got in the way. I ended up turning a part-time job as a teenager into quite a lucrative career then I took voluntary redundancy and decided to give policing a go..... I love the job 20 years later, just not a big fan of many of the conditions that are being imposed on us and will be off shortly to work for myself with any luck:banana:
What I wanted to be :

> When I was very young, a ballerina or a princess :LOL:
> Up until age 10 a teacher . . . until I encountered a particularly poor example of teaching which kind of put me off it.
> At 11, I found a love of languages and wanted to be a translator and travel Europe. That went out the window when I spent a few months in Germany when I was 16 and realised that our learning of European languages just couldn't compete with their grasp of English.
> Then I settled on a career in psychology. I studied it up to A-Level and even went so far as to sit undergraduate entrance exams but deferred for a year to work and save up and fund myself through uni.
In the end though, during that year I blagged my way onto a graduate recruitment programme at a merchant bank off the back of my A-Levels and decided I liked the pay too much to give it all up and go back into full time education. (plus by that time I'd invested in property so had other financial commitments)

What I've actually done is varied and some of it has been pretty exciting, but bears little resemblance to any of the above :

> While at school / 6th form college - paper rounds and various Saturday / part-time jobs including working as a florist, promoting LEGO for Woolworths and a holiday job assisting in a surveyors' office.
> After deferring uni, I worked on the futures and foreign exchange desks in the merchant banking sector until the whole Nick Leeson fiasco shook up that sector and led to a load of mergers and redundancies.
> That was followed by a period of temping and short term roles while I studied evenings and weekends to qualify as a chartered accountant.
> Then a lengthy period working as an accountant for various organisations
> And now while I'm still an accountant, I actually work as a project manager for a media company (technical implementations and financial management) and run my own photography business.

At 38 retirement's still a long way off, so who knows what else I'll get to do :D
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I always wanted to be a T***!

Please don't beat the swear filter
its there for a reason
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I wanted to join the Army or be a Nanny.. i went to collage and became a Nanny My mum wasn't keen on me following my brothers into the Army and at the age of 22 i tired to join the Army passed all the entrance exams ect.. but decided that i was maybe a bit old to be doing all that stuff so at 25 i married a solider and spent 21 years as an Army wife.....
my dad said if you keep doing that when you grow up you'll go blind ,


My Dad worked for Ford, as did his brother, my Mum and her father was a Ford fireman so it was a natural choice for me plus as I liked Ford cars it means discount on cars and parts :) .
A Ford apprenticeship was the only job I applied for during my last year at school. Sat a couple of entry tests and had an interview. I was asked what area I would like to serve an apprenticeship in, interviewer said they needed toolmakers so toolmaker it was. Got the apprenticeship and up until a year next Saturday I spent almost 30 years as a press toolmaker after my apprenticeship. Really enjoyed the job to be honest working a lot of form dies that produced many different car panels over the years, unfortunately Ford decided they no longer needed us doing that anymore in the UK and offered us redundancy or another job. I chose the other job option and they've spent the last 12 months training me as a Powertrain Development engineer, developing future engines on dynos. So in September I've been doing what I wanted to do, for 35yrs and still enjoying it.
I always wanted to be a Submariner. Even had delusions of building my own submarine when I was about 8 years old. Now I'm 56 and a little claustrophobic, I wouldn't last two minutes in a submarine :(.
As a nipper I wanted to be an Airline Pilot.

As an older child I wanted to be an illustrator - and that's what I ended up doing.
Always wanted to be a marine scientist after watching all those Jacques Cousteau programmes on the telly, diving in warm water with all sorts of creatures. Never happened of course, but it did point me towards a scientific/chemistry background which was useful when I made wine and had a darkroom!
As a wee one I always wanted to be a volcanologist. I then turned into some sort of thick git and didn't get the grades, or didn't study hard enough:rolleyes:. I'm now a full time spray painter (auto body technician to be precise lol) and part time gamekeepr. I'm only 26 (considered to some as still a young one) but I can see me doing these jobs for a long time yet. I served my time as an apprentice 5years ago. I love painting cars and being out with nature, or the smell of the paint...I forget which one now:D
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I wanted to be a nurse like my Mum until I realised I had a morbid fear of needles then a currency broker like my Dad until he made me do 2 weeks work experience in his firm. Then I wanted to play rugby until I damaged my hip. Then a sports photographer. Got there eventually :LOL:

Although I still haven't really grown up. Might try that one day :D
I`m like a cheap red wine, I immature with age.

Currently doing as little as possible, but have worked in some interesting places doing silly things.
I wanted to be a scaffie. I might just do that when I jack in my current job.
I always wanted to be a T***!

Well, you succeeded chief.

To whichever Mod edited the post, its should have an apostrophe after the t. Like thus...it`s.....
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So it was you then?...............;)
Although I still haven't really grown up. Might try that one day :D

I wouldn't if I were you. In fact, I haven't even though I'm NOT you!!!
Out of the school gates and straight down the RN recruiting office to sign up. Told me I was too young and to come back in a year. I did.
I wanted to be an F1 driver when I was little (what kid doesn't). It didn't quite work out that way. Ended up doing a chemistry degree and thought of becoming a teacher. Time moved on and I realised I wouldn't hack it as that (and it would require more studying that I didn't want to do despite my folks protestations) so ended up working in a stockbrokers office, redundancy came then various back office and call centre positions. I've never really put a huge level of effort into my career. Looking back I should have used my degree (also studied geology up to second year) to enter the oil/gas exploration industry.

Actually I'd have been better not bothering with uni and getting the job I got straight from school, which was what I wanted to do but mum/dad weren't having any of it.