When the bride's car broke down!

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When the bride's car broke down the Avon & Somerset Police came to the rescue by driving the bride and her father to the Registry Office in Corn Street, Bristol.
Preceded by an escort car, the bride arrived in a patrol car complete with white ribbons and bows and was helped out of the car in time for the wedding to take place.

Waiting for the bride - the escort car & the bridesmaid.

Waiting for the bride by Bristol Streets, on Flickr

Here comes the bride.

Here comes the bride by Bristol Streets, on Flickr

The bride's bouquet.

The Bride's Bouquet
by Bristol Streets, on Flickr

The laughing bride.

The laughing bride by Bristol Streets, on Flickr

Final adjustments.

Final adjustments by Bristol Streets, on Flickr
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Definitely the soft side of 'the force'. :)