where do you put yourself.." added mine"

would you have one of those pete or would you make one of your own :thinking:


17. 10 + 7 :p 8 doesn't quite make sense as you can take good pics with not so great kit or you can have great kit but take bad pics.
Can I have a category that says "pro but falls off the ladder and lands back at 1 far too frequently?"
Can I have a category that says "pro but falls off the ladder and lands back at 1 far too frequently?"


so you have not been back to the list since your 1st comment :LOL:

I feel that it's a bit like "snakes and ladders". Pop on the 300/2.8 and I feel like a "6 1/2" then swap it for a TS-E and plummet to "1 1/2" :(

Hard question to answer, what others may consider a good photo the photographer may think differently. it depends on how confident one is which wasn't one of the questions.
Also it depends on your photography is for professional purposes or just as a hobby.

In other words I think my photography is brilliant yet everyone else says its crap:LOL::LOL::crying::shrug::shrug:

Hard question to answer, what others may consider a good photo the photographer may think differently.what do you think it depends on how confident one is which wasn't one of the questions.
Also it depends on your photography is for professional purposes or just as a hobby.still what do you think

In other words I think my photography is brilliant yet everyone else says its crap:LOL::LOL::crying::shrug::shrug:
so your great where are you on the chart

:LOL: what do you think mate not others

i would say 1, but i dont like saying i know a lot, as many people know more and feel stupid when they treat you like you should know something(if that makes sense)

so you have not been back to the list since your 1st comment :LOL:


As Bob says though, it's like snakes and ladders and although I may have the occasional good day, I also have my fair share of muppet days :)
snakes and ladders yes..

but if its 3 or 7 its 5 surely.

or is it just me that thinks like that..

I know enough not to peg myself on a how good do you think you are table ;)
3 or 4. I have more than I know how to use but I am learning alot really fast.
Somwhere between a 2 and 4, but not a 3, I wish I had more kit than I know what to do with, but I don't :D. Based on the comments, I'm producing some good stuff, I know some stuff, but I got a whole heapload to learn.
I know a fair bit (but would like to no more) and can produce a decent image about 6.5. Oh I don't know 4 :thinking:
I would say im around a 20, but moving onto 21.

Im kidding of course :p
I dont know really. Maybe a 4? Possibly a 5 as my kit is lovely - hehe
Somewhere 5-7, but that depends what you mean by "know".

I'm a self confirmed :geek: techhead :geek: so know far too many facts useful and otherwise. I know what all the buttons do and have no fear getting more toys. :D

Do I understand how aperture affects DOF? Yes. I could probably write it down as mathematical equations.

Will I ever know enough? No

Do I have the artistic flair and eye to put my knowledge into practice, and get it right at the moment I push the shutter button? Debatable, but I'm learning.

Have I got the determination and drive to spend the time making sure that my shots work? No. So I dont think I'll ever want to turn pro.

Do I enjoy photography? Yes, and that's what matters.
4 aiming toward 5 but don't have the cash or the talent.
None of them. Simply because I don't know what I am really capable of until I can get over other 'things' stopping me from doing things how I would like to. :thinking: Hope that makes sense.
4 i think i would say that the 6 7 8 9 are all quite close and it can vairy from day to day :LOL:
some days i forget to take the lens cap off :D and wonder why i carnt see anything :LOL:
when i say "i" i mean erm other people :LOL:
Id say im at 5. Even though i do it part time at weekends.
There's no number for me? I done photography when i left school 22yrs ago but in the end i done other work (better paid & payed for motorbikes). Well i'm now starting again but i'm a digital newbie (never used ANY type of digital anything exept a watch). My old camera is a Practika bc1 & that was such an easy SLR to use compared to my 450D. I used to like the red dot that told me if my exposure was gona be poop. I loved doing action shots at 1/1000. I'll stop rambling now.
I like the question and I’m going for a six, I have no shame!

I would add a proviso however that the list as is seems to link ability with high end equipment and the panicle of photographic success with turning pro.

Let’s not forget Bert Hardy and his Box Brownie and there are people earning a good living as surgeons, solicitors or brick layers who are great photographers but just don’t want to change professions (more work, less money, less respect ect)!

Just a thought.
I'd say #4, maybe a #5.

I'm competent with my equipment, but my lack of patience leads to me not thinking enough about composition as I'm always "in a rush" to get the shot. Also, whilst reasonably confident that I can take a good portrait, I suck and things like Landscape - I just can't get it to work the way I want it :shake:
So, whilst I really enjoy portraiture, and will be doing a lot more next year, I'm also going to concentrate on getting my landscapes right (Warning - I may ask for help!)

This is very interesting, and I'd be really keen for people to comment on my self-rating.

I think I've learnt a heck of a lot in the last 8 months. I no longer blow the sky in every shot! Woohoo! I think I've absorbed quite a lot of info, but am certain there is sooooo much more to learn. That thread about CoC proves that! :bang: I think if I put my mind to it, and make the effort to go out when the light is favourable, then I can take a nice shot that I am proud of... until about an hour later, then I usually hate it. The trouble is, I still fall into the trap of going out regardless of the light, pointing the camera at something and shooting, thinking that maybe when I get home it'll be a nice shot. It never is!

I'm guessing I must be either 2 or 4? :shrug:
Now that has gone and depressed me, all my hard slugging over the last nine months and I am still only a 3.
If I'm really honest I'd say I'm a three-four. Sounds odd given that I'm being trained as a photographer by various professionals and I have sold photographs that I've taken in the past. However, I think that's because I've got lucky rather than having any real "talent" with a camera. One or two good shots out of 100 other ones. I'm not good at learning from books although I do read them carefully - I actually have to be using the camera with somebody else nearby in order to learn properly.

I know what I want to do and achieve the result but I seem incapable of actually doing it and that bugs me. I don't understand post-processing either (can't get my head around Photoshop at all) other than cropping, resizing, straightening the horizon (my eyesight is rubbish at times); and I do suffer from what I call wheely-bin syndrome: I set up a shot carefully, take what I think is a good photograph, get it home, look at it and say "Oops where did that wheely bin come from?".:shrug: I suppose my camera scares me a bit when I stare at some of the buttons and options. Is that normal? I have a Nikon D70.