Where should i advertise equipment i have on ebay

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XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX XXXXXXXX XXXXXXXX items on ebay. I've looked through the rules and it says fo it to go into the classifieds section on here i have to be willing to end the item early.

Apart from the fact that i want to run as an auction - i thought this was against ebay's rules??

For me, someone who doesn't want to end items early and just let them run as intended, where should i show enthusiasts that there are items on ebay in good nick?

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Unless you state a price and would be willing to end early I believe you can't list on here.

However you may get more money and not have to pay fees by doing that and advertising here.
Playing devil's advocate here, in theory i could just state prices which are higher than anyone would expect to pay for the items and thus playing by the rules?
But that defeats the purpose of advertising here, as a lot of users won't buy on Ebay.

Do you have a price in mind you would take? If so advertise it here, you save on fees and have less chance (not zero chance) of getting scammed as you do on ebay.
The forum rules are that you cannot advertsie ebay items here unless you prepared to end the auction early should they sell. Your idea of over pricing and indeed this thread, whilst not breaking any direct rules, do go very much against the spirit of the rules, so the answer is simple - either leave them on ebay and forget trying to let people here know [and that includes posting your ebay user name], or advertise them hre properly and follow the rules.

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