Where the Hell is that Smile?

Kodiak Qc

Suspended / Banned
French Canadian living in Europe since 1989!
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— "A lot of old photos from the 19th and early 20th century are fraught with doom and gloom—
and on the occasion the literal dead face. That led to the popular belief that people just did not
smile in old photographs. The common explanation is due to the limited technology at the time
to capture a smile. Exposure times were long and the thinking was it's easier to hold a serious
expression over a long period. Another theory included early photography being heavily influen-
ced by painting (which meant no smiling)." —

View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ocUNn6KUN6k&ebc=ANyPxKryNprXIpMb9fJvMiE46Nm8MOmq9i3GOQIHEmZSr5PxuuHCsekUS0Q18jf43JySDJ6F0rvz
Thanks for sharing. Was an interesting 3 minutes.

Liked the Mark Twain reference. It's funny how flat expressions are now uncommon. Indeed on Snapchat/Facebook/Instagram it's all about the pout. Maybe Mark Twain was right ;)