where to buy professional 35mm film in London?

  • Thread starter englandshottest2
  • Start date


Anybody know of a place where one can buy Fuji Astia, Ektachrome, etc. in London? Hate having to wait for delivery :bonk: Thanks
paid a visit to Silverprint, good selection, though sadly I think Astia has been discontinued as I got the last two rolls they had :-(!!
They've discontinued Astia in 35 and 120........as well as 5x4....????
yes there's quite a few supplier with remaining stock, and of course there's eBay....
Astia is not discontinued, this is heresay, I have just checked with Fuji UK, don't believe all you read on websites, or what salesmen in photograpic shops tell you.
I was under the impression that it was only 35mm that was discontinued (which I know is the type here!)

I'm pretty sure it's still available in 120 format (for those MF junkies)
As far as I understand it, Fuji UK will no longer import Astia because of the low demand, it's still made and can be imported from countries such as the US.
You can get Astia in 120 and in sheet film from Japan here:


Shipping is quite reasonable compared to importing from B&H in the USA.

One thing that might interest you though is that the Sensia II consumer slide film range is actually just the previous generation of Astia just without the professional handling, freezing etc. Original Sensia film is early 90's Provia.