WHF - Pallas cats


TPer Emeritus
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Pallas cats in here please
Here kitty kitty!

I really do love the look of these little cats, and I have to says Fabs "I don't think I've ever seen a shot with a better view of the tail!" And what a fine tail it is too.

Only one ive looked at so far i think theres something wrong with my cf card :thinking::LOL::LOL:

Nice shot Neil (y) Glad to hear you are both home safe and sound . Nice to meet you both . Roll on next year :)
These little cats never stay still for long, so it's very rewarding when U do manage a half descent shot (y)
Some nice shots on this thread but do like adrian5127's shot of the Cat looking upwards :clap:

My humble attempt below

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shot No. 1 - he/she does not look a happy bunny... er, cat.

Great shots.
GOSH these are FAB!! Lovely hots folks, I just love these cats.
Glad I came back for another look, what a great collection of shots,

Shazza: love your first one. :clap:

Macky: that's just fantastic, DOF and the colours are spot on.:1st:

Adrian: Nice and unusual pose (y)

Triple B: nice expression there!

Fabs: your last one, now that's what I call "in your face" :D

Just realised I am guilty of not passing comment on Dixons' shot :bang::bonk:

Dixon, it's not because it has no merit I promise, just my baseline at present is "utterly knackered" and I forgot to say "I think your pallas was "lip smackingly" good (y)
I'm back off to the saltmine (I mean new house) now.

Just realised I am guilty of not passing comment on Dixons' shot

Dixon, it's not because it has no merit I promise, just my baseline at present is "utterly knackered" and I forgot to say "I think your pallas was "lip smackingly" good
I'm back off to the saltmine (I mean new house) now.


Aw, mate, did we miss you out? Yours is great too

Thank U so much :D:D:D:D :clap:
Neil, why do I feel like I'm about to become supper!! Great expression, you really captured the "little hunter" I want one six :love:

Just goes to prove you have to watch the quiet ones.....:clap:

Nice shots crocky

Thankyou :D
You should have seen the absolute rubbish I came away with as well. My first 5 shots were binned straight off. I was so nervous my hands were shaking.

You should have seen some of mine :eek:.

Hope you enjoyed the day and got a few more keepers.

Next time dont be so quiet .. At least you never got knocked on the day or had someone change your settings:D

Just goes to prove you have to watch the quiet ones.....:clap:

Nice shots crocky


Im sure it was you doing all the pranks mate and i don't think you can get away with calling yourself quiet :LOL::LOL::LOL:
You should have seen some of mine :eek:.

Hope you enjoyed the day and got a few more keepers.

Next time dont be so quiet .. At least you never got knocked on the day or had someone change your settings:D


Had a fantastic day and can't wait to do it again. As for getting knocked, I was walloped round the head by a lens at one point but was concentrating so hard on trying to get a shot of the jumping puma that I didn't look up to see who it was :bat: :LOL:
Had a fantastic day and can't wait to do it again. As for getting knocked, I was walloped round the head by a lens at one point but was concentrating so hard on trying to get a shot of the jumping puma that I didn't look up to see who it was :bat: :LOL:

:LOL: That would be them big white lens boys....:bat:

I was hid in the corner(y)

I look forward to seeing your puma shots:rules:


Neil looks like i/we will head your way well later in the year
Had a fantastic day and can't wait to do it again. As for getting knocked, I was walloped round the head by a lens at one point but was concentrating so hard on trying to get a shot of the jumping puma that I didn't look up to see who it was :bat: :LOL:

dont think it was me

lovely shots, much better than i managed!