Which do you prefer

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I've been working on these photos for over an hour now and I just can't decide whether I prefer the toned b+w version or the warm colour version. What do you reckon?



Toned mono - which is unusual for me. Great character study and nice DOF. :)
the light and colour in the 2nd version are pretty wonderful and I love it but you could ask for my favourite a 100 times and 100 times it would be the b&w.

It's that good!
I do have quite a preference for b&w in general but in this instance it does lose a lot of the warmth that the colour version has. I think the toning has helped here to an extent but it hasn't really retained that beautiful early evening glow from the colour version. However the b&w definitely draws the eye more to the main subject and accentuates his warm smile.

I think on balance I slightly prefer the b&w, but only just. I'm feeling very agonised over this one!
colour one for me for no particular reason than a preference :)
Fabulous photo, love the black&White. Also like the colour version, but just a little strong on the warmth. I love travel portraits. Tried a little selective desaturation in photoshop. :)

Personally I like Number 1, would be interested to see it in black and white as well.
Well composed shot IMHO. Nice DOF.
#1 Deffinately!

Just remove the bright sun relfection from his cheek and it's a winner!
I think probably no1 although I do like the colour version also :shrug: :D
Really difficult to decide....I can see your problem.....probably the B&W by a nose, but TBH, I like all the three versions (your's and Ron Boon's)! Not sure about the deep shadow over the right eye (as you view it)...wonder what it would look like if lightened just a touch?
Wow, very divided opinion here although I think the mono has it by a nose and probably reflects my own slight preference too.

Thanks for the desaturated version Ron, I think if I was to choose the colour one I'd go for a saturation between yours and mine, the ambient warmth was very high when I made that photograph. I had saturated it too much myself though, you were right. I think sometimes I go a little wild on the curves when I should go for a very shallow S.

Thanks again for the comments, they've been really helpful. This forum is really great for constructive crit and advice!
I like them both, they each tell a different story to me. The B&W might just edge it though
Well heres a novelty - I like both EQUALLY! :woot:

jhob, you dont have to prefer one or the other, both are well worthy of a place in your personal portfolio of 'my favourite images' and if anything are a great demo of what is possible from a single shot! ;)
no 1 - however i think the toning has been at the cost of some true whites and blacks - i.e. limited the tonal range.

great subject and use of dof.