..::Which is your favourite out of these?::..(MORE ADDED)

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Morning all,

Had a pretty good day at the golf course the other day with the light being my friend. Here are just two i have picked out from the set, which one do you like best?

All comments good and bad welcome :)



thanks for looking,

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Hi Lee...Both nice images...1st would look good and is correctly framed for the front page of a magazine where the second would make a good backdrop for a double page spread inside the magazine.

On a personal choice and not for comercial use, No 1 has it !
OK not everyone will like what I have to say but am gonna say it anyway..

The backswing shot is pretty much a nono .. your not supposed to photogrpah golfers at that point... Now I am 100% this didnt cause any problems for you or the golfer.. I am 100% sure of that... However anyone else looking at the picture will just think you ahve commited the golfing sin of clicking on a backswing..

I ahve taken the same shot (from the front) I ok'd it wiht the golfers.. i was using a long lens and they said they couldnt hear the camera and i was ok to shoot what i wanted.. however i never published them because of the pointy finger brigade who will just brand you a menace to the sport :( so easy to gte a bad name and its ok saying stuff'em but when your trying to get work you dont need a bad name :)

As I say.. i know you where OK as indeed I was when I took simmilar shots.. you just need to be aware that its frowned upon and nobody in the public will know the circumstances..

There.. said it :)
My vote is for number 1. And I would echo the previous posters views about clicking before striking the ball, that is indeed a no no.
Why is it a no no regarding the backswing? How would it give them a bad name? I think (im my very armature opinion) it’s a great shot, to be able to freeze the frame on the point that the driver is arched.

I like both the pictures I guess No1 is drawing more of my attention maybe because it is in colour and its more of the 'traditional photo'. But No2 IMO tells more of a story and feels more powerful, like leading me into something its kinda like an open question.

I think No2. :)
Why is it a no no regarding the backswing?

Because the player normally requires quiet and concentration.. not click click at such an important point of play

How would it give them a bad name?

For breaking the players concentration and shooting when you are not supposed to. Even if that didnt happen.. nobody else viewing it would know that if they saw it in a mag or out on the web..

BTW nobody said it wasnt a good shot.

ADDYONBIT: re shooting when backswing.. if anyone is tempted to comment that its a stupid thing... I would agree with you..whats the problem shooting at 400mm or 560mm etc.. they wont see or hear you... so dont shoot the messenger.. just saying how it is :)
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Number 1 gets it for me as the curves of the Ladys body leads up to her facial expression with her eyes firmly fixed on the ball, better still if framed differently.
As for number 2 the composition is better and has more of an atmosphere, probably because it's B&W, 2 great shots (y)
I won't jump on the PC bandwagon about trainers on a golf course though :LOL: (Totally agreeing with Tonys point though)

Thanks for sharing
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Because the player normally requires quiet and concentration.. not click click at such an important point of play

For breaking the players concentration and shooting when you are not supposed to. Even if that didnt happen.. nobody else viewing it would know that if they saw it in a mag or out on the web..

BTW nobody said it wasnt a good shot.

ADDYONBIT: re shooting when backswing.. if anyone is tempted to comment that its a stupid thing... I would agree with you..whats the problem shooting at 400mm or 560mm etc.. they wont see or hear you... so dont shoot the messenger.. just saying how it is :)

Ah ok fair point, I guess I made the assumption that the golfer has agreed to the shot and therfore (poor golf humor I know) would not be bothered about the picture being taken mid-swing. :D
Ah ok fair point, I guess I made the assumption that the golfer has agreed to the shot and therfore (poor golf humor I know) would not be bothered about the picture being taken mid-swing. :D

eeerm so did I .. in fact i am pretty sure they will have..... methinks you totally missed the point..
What Tony is saying is that anyone who doesn't know MAY naturally assume that it was done candidly rather than with permission, hence why it may be frowned upon. We know better though ;)
What Tony is saying is that anyone who doesn't know MAY naturally assume that it was done candidly rather than with permission, hence why it may be frowned upon. We know better though ;)

I couldnt think of any way to explain it better than i did in my first post.. yours is short and sweet and bang on :)
I love them both #1 better for me.

I figured the OP and golfer planned the photo shot, so if anyone was to complain (without finding out the facts before hand) that it breaks some sort of code, then they are idiots.

(Tony I understand that it would be different if the OP was trying to sell #2 to a magazine or newspaper)
The OP didn't state that they were staged or not. As it is not etiquette to shoot during the swing I assumed they were staged....
Thanks all the comments so far. Luckily I didn't get into any bother as the golfer is my girlfriend. We went out purely o take photos if this wasn't the case I wouldn't of been firing 8fps. Kipix worded it perfectly.

As for the trainers on a old course debate I think you will struggle as they are infancy golf shoes.

Anyone have any comments or thoughts to improve or what you would like to see?

Would it have been better in #1 if you had moved back 5 yards and her forward so that the top of her head was not just about in the darker back ground?

Or is it better like this?

Because the player normally requires quiet and concentration.. not click click at such an important point of play

Well you learn something new everyday.
I am not a golfer so cannot relate to the game/sport but if the player is deep in concentration then would he/she not be "switched off" to surrounding noises?
I'm not searching for a debate, I'm simply curious as there are many tasks requiring deep concentration but noise still goes on around without detrimental effect :shrug:
Forgot to add, my prefence is No2 .....there is a real sense of "energy" as the lady is about to swing into the ball
Well you learn something new everyday.
I am not a golfer so cannot relate to the game/sport but if the player is deep in concentration then would he/she not be "switched off" to surrounding noises?

no idea.. dont play golf... but try going to a snooker match and eating a bag of crisps and giving the same reasoning as above... I didnt say it made sense..and I even said i dont agree wiht it... just passing on my knowledge because at the end of the day it is true to say backswing shots are a nono..

dont shoot the messenger :)
no idea.. dont play golf... but try going to a snooker match and eating a bag of crisps and giving the same reasoning as above... I didnt say it made sense..and I even said i dont agree wiht it... just passing on my knowledge because at the end of the day it is true to say backswing shots are a nono..

dont shoot the messenger :)

Thanks for sharing that knowledge... if I ever find myself photographing golfers, I'll now know how to ensure i don't upset them!
Thanks for sharing that knowledge... if I ever find myself photographing golfers, I'll now know how to ensure i don't upset them!

yeagh ya wouldnt want one of them balls whizzing towards you:) the only reason i like shooting golf is a good long walk.. best exercise i get... but I wouldnt play a game....
It was quite amazing to see Tiger Woods stop on the down swing as a photographer had clicked the shutter as he was swinging...Same with mobile phones going off....Just bad manners/etiquette

No1 is a great shot (again no pun indented) the facial expression makes the photograph for me.

Part of the joys of golf is the course and the greenery which are better in colour for me. I am a huge fan of monochrome but I think this is one subject where it is not as effective.

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#2 for me (although it looks like she's too far from the ball!). I think it tells more of a story than #1 and I agree with the comment above about the unfortunate position of her head against the dark background.

Another vote for #2, this is a real photo - a well focused player about to crack it down the fairway ... in contrast #1 is a snapshot, harsh light, half-shadow etc (sorry!).
I think 2 is my personal fav just like you say people would view and not understand the circumstances it was taken in. here are a few more....




again all comments good or bad welcome.

I like the fourth shot best! I love the black and white.
My favourite part of the 1st mono shot which i think is great, is the slight curve of the shaft which shows us that she's just started the downswing and began transferring the power into the head of the driver. Plus the nice straight left arm would really be appreciated by any golfer, especially your girlfriend, as this is one of the signs of a really good swing.
I also really like the 2nd mono as well for similar reasons. I wish my follow through finishing position looked like hers!
overall I would say try and get lower....?

1, not low enough...
2, agree with KIPAX
3, not enough face, wrong angle, may be get hole between you and player..?
4, bw conversion doesn't do anything, not contrasted enough...
5, wot no hands..?

not an easy sport to take..


thanks for the response, on number one i would say i agree, i think either lower would of worked or even being quite abit higher i kind of got stuck in the middle,

2 again completely agree with what you are all saying, i would never do this to someone who was actually "playing" but thanks for pointing out as i didnt realise how frowned upon it was.

3 i can see what your saying, i think if it wasnt for the fact i was following quite a way behind due to the last shot i was trying to get i would of gone for the hole in between, shame it was just one of those moments.

4 ill try a re edit see what i think,

5 no hands obviously is not great, does 4 show enough hands to be accepted or do i still need to try and show alot more?
