Which one should i use?

Edit My Images
I Have all these titles and i would like to know which one would be the best to use with digital photography, please state why.

Adobe Photoshop 7.0
Adobe After Effects 6.0 Professional
Adobe Photoshop Elements 2.0
Adobe Photoshop Plugins - Kais Power Tools 7
Ulead Adobe Morph - Photoshop Plugins
Adobe Photoshop 7.0 - 300 Plugins
1,000s of Adobe Fonts
Or maybe you use a title that is not Adobe
and you think its better?
Depends what you want to do. I am going to assume that you mean for image processing in which case it's horses for courses, meaning different people like/prefer different programs. For me it's Photoshop CS2 but I know a lot of people swear by PaintShop pro. CS2 is expensive and as a freebie I'd go for Adobe Elements. Many use CS2 for RAW but, for the moment, I am using Rawshooter Premium - IMO marginally better workflow and interface.

If you mean Photo Organising then I would recommend the free Picassa . Then there's CKRename for renaming files, Noiseware for reducing noise, Easy Thumbnails etc. For quickviewing I use Xnview but many prefer Irfanview.

Please bear in mind these are my preferences and it does not mean that these are necessarily the best. Other people will use other programs and I am sure there will be other suggestions for you. If you have the opportunity try before you buy. HTH.

Thanks Stepheno
Its for image processing,
i have not seen CS2, but if i get the chance i'll give it a go,

ps thanks for the links.
I use Rawshooter Premium for the initial processing and then Adobe Photoshop CS2 for any advanced stuff and frames. For everything else there (storing, viewing, saving, cataloguing, renaming, backing up etc) there are so many almost identical programs that can do it that it comes down to personal preference.

PSP is also a very popular alternative (and much cheaper) to Photoshop. You will find that people are either from one school or the other though and usually stick with whichever they were first exposed to.