Which Photo shop

Edit My Images
Which photoshop would to use for around the £300.00 mark ...for editing and general good manipulation of photography, adding colour , changing images, etc where is the best place to get them ..i don;t need to spend £500. on PS 10 ...would somewhere around the PS7 mark be up to scratch.

Regards Mark
Cheers i would be a mature student then...i am booked on 2 Adobe courses starting nest month, and thanks for the link.

of course i will not use this as it will have to have a licence agreement ;)

Dun de Dum

Regards Mark
Cheers i would be a mature student then...i am booked on 2 Adobe courses starting nest month, and thanks for the link.

of course i will not use this as it will have to have a licence agreement ;)

Dun de Dum

Regards Mark

Beware, not all courses entitle you to the edu discount - the order is cancelled unless you submit proof of enrollent at a recognised college. Adobe were doing a 1/2 price discount for upgraders from elements recently - no idea if that is still on?

My son is a college student studying Countryside mangement. would he be entilted to the Student Photoshop CS3 even though he not taken a photography course, or is the suite just availible to those on Photography courses?.

Beware, not all courses entitle you to the edu discount - the order is cancelled unless you submit proof of enrollent at a recognised college. Adobe were doing a 1/2 price discount for upgraders from elements recently - no idea if that is still on?


I rang adobe and they said we don't know.. so i said how do you find out, we will get back to you, still waiting, anyway my sister-in-laws sister is on a design course,i will buy it through her ...Cheers

Regards Mark
A friend of mine wanted to buy the education version and needed to provide proof of academic status - I think that he needed to send a scan of his Uni ID before they sold it to him. The other problem with an edu version is that when you wish to upgrade, you need to resubmit the proof of academic status. Roll on CS4!

Hi and thanks...OK i would have to were a wig then:nono: :LOL: going to buy whatever version i am to be trained on, it starts next month i can not wait. it will be all legit. many thanks for you post, but seeing as i have all day to think about things i will try to drum up a cunning :naughty: way round it, or try and get a cracking deal.

Regards Mark.