which speedlite?

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Hi, I have a 400d and I want a speedlite. I have never had a speedlite before so I have no idea about them.

Trouble is I am skint. Anyone any ideas?

What's the cheapest... I need something that could do pics at a wedding or similar event... don't worry LOL I am not offering my amateurish services for anyone's big day - I just a have a big party in a couple of months and wanted to take my camera and get some pics of friends etc...

So I have a budget of about £50 so are there any ancient ones that perform well that one can pick up cheap?

Or is there a cheap brand of compatible like when you buy ink cartridges LOL

Nope, I'm afraid I'm 99% certain that you are restricted to 'EX' series flashes only.

I'd try for a 420EX if only a serious budget, but you'll be hard pushed to get one in your range I'm afraid.

Despite what some ebay users are saying, older flashes have very different trigger voltages, enough to royally stuff your camera!

Thanks for the info... guess I'll be saving my pennies. Not sure whether I'll manage it by the time to party is but will give it a go.
i have no shame and do use the onboard flash from time to time

try experimenting with it and see how you get on

sometimes needs must

Yes well I have got by with that ever since I first got my 1000fn some years ago.... and now I use it with my new 400d also. But the problem is it just isn't bright enough for those dark room parties... maybe I can get lucky on ebay. Thanks for your help anyway guys. At least I know which one to dream after LOL
get some radio triggers from gadget infinity on ebay and then get any old flash to go with it, something like a vivitar 285. You'll have to do everything manually but it's cheaper than waiting for cheap canon gear. You could also see if jessops flashes for canons are going cheap if needs be. TBH I think you'll be very lucky to sort something for £50. Try selling a kidney or two to raise a bit more cash.
get some radio triggers from gadget infinity on ebay and then get any old flash to go with it, something like a vivitar 285. You'll have to do everything manually but it's cheaper than waiting for cheap canon gear. You could also see if jessops flashes for canons are going cheap if needs be. TBH I think you'll be very lucky to sort something for £50. Try selling a kidney or two to raise a bit more cash.

interesting kev i have a old cobra flash gun upstairs i was given but never used as i thought and was told it might fry my 10d.. are you saying i could get a remote and this would work..?
cheers dod young man
. You could also see if Jessops flashes for canons are going cheap if needs be. TBH I think you'll be very lucky to sort something for £50. Try selling a kidney or two to raise a bit more cash.

At Jessops Horwich (one of the closing down stores) They have a Jessop 320 (I think) for Canon at £15. May be worth seeing if any store local to you are closing.
OK so I guess some flashes are cheaper becaue they obviously have different amounts of omph!
How much omph do i need for a party - like a wedding party or indoor wedding photots at a longer distance.... I am unfamiliar with the lingo... 'guide number'?

Sorry I am such a newbie when it comes to speedlites. Just a rough idea of what people use at parties would be helpful...

OK so I guess some flashes are cheaper becaue they obviously have different amounts of omph!
How much omph do i need for a party - like a wedding party or indoor wedding photots at a longer distance.... I am unfamiliar with the lingo... 'guide number'?

Sorry I am such a newbie when it comes to speedlites. Just a rough idea of what people use at parties would be helpful...


To give you some idea the canon 430EX has a giude number of 43 the Nissin being slightly more powerful with a guide number of 44;)