[whine]Local wearing off![/whine]


Nod (UK)
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Been having fun with teef today! In at 08:30 to have 8 replaced on a denture - great! Getting used to eating with them and still a bit sibilant but I have top front teef again!!!

Back in at 12:20 to be pre-loaded with novacaine in preparation for an extraction... 10 minutes later, back in the chair and the crowbarring started. 15 minutes later, all over bar the paying! (around £550 for the falsies and the pulling). But now, the pain is creeping in! Got plenty of OTC painkillers but don't really like taking the things (had enough since early September to last me a lifetime!), especially since I've had to use them to combat the constant niggling from the rotten one (now removed). Nurofen+ seem to work best but I've been using them for 3 days already and the warnings on the packet say that's the limit before there's a risk of adiction. Guess it's Paracetamol and hope!
Regular Ibuprofen / Nurofen will still work better than parrots....much tougher on dental pain. Just avoid the "+" version of anything with codeine for a while.
Feel better!
Nod i feel your pain i have to go have some work done soon and i hate the dentist. Get advice for the chap/chapess at the chemist...
i got some nurofen/ibuprofen the other day.... co-op own brand 49p... Nurofen £2.70.. for 10 pills. Mental :nuts:

Good luck (y)
i got some nurofen/ibuprofen the other day.... co-op own brand 49p... Nurofen £2.70.. for 10 pills. Mental :nuts:

Good luck (y)

Even better...Asda is 28p for 16 :eek:
Yup, Lidl flog plain Brufen at a cheap price too - shame I can't get there until the weekend unless I spend a small fortune on bus or taxi fares! No Asda in town (Tesco must pay better backhanders...) but IIRC our local corner shop is a CoOp so will try there.

Don't think we have any non + Nurofen in the cupboard, so popped a + to tide me over. TBH, I'm not a fan of opiates in any form but they do work well. Might walk down to town tomorrow for the exercise and to pick up an AP, so will see what Superdrug are asking for their own brand Brufen. Then I'll walk 1/2 way home to a place that does good coffee and see if I can blag a lift home from there or get a cab! The exercise must be doing something - combined with a deliberate effort at healthier eating, I've lost over 4 stone! I'm still not small at 16st10lb but I am a lot smaller than 20st10lb as I was in May!
Amazing what a good night's sleep can do!

For the first time since I left Derriford, I slept until 05:30 (an extra hour or 2 past my usual wake up time). Socket not the reason for wakefulness, as usual, needing a pee was! Got a bit of seasonal sniffle so had a lemsip with extra honey and lemon with breakfast (wife teaches an early morning yoga class on Tues, Weds and Thurs, so we're both awake early) and that's knocked any "tooth" ache out completely! I'll still pick up some Ibuprofen when I'm in town later - not a bad idea to have some in non opiated form!

Managed to eat a bowl of leftover curry last night, complete with meat and veg for chewing and rice to get stuck in the socket - managed to avoid eating my lips, tongue and cheek while chewing and also getting rice wedged in the clot!