Whipsnade - Penguins


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I forget what brand this was, but he looked as cold as I felt
and I think I woke him up!

I am sat here looking at this one and cant decide what it is about the shot or why, but for me doesnt do anything. I would to be able to tell you why, but the only thing I can think of is the eye, seems very small. Well exposed thought with the black and the white, just that little bit down his front which might be slightly blown.
thanks Sue,
didn't spot the shaft of light at the time (of course), only when I got home - typical!
they were sheltering from an arctic gale (at least it felt like one) so mebbe that's why his eyes were half closed

Stuart - I believe you're right - thanks for the ID
indeed he does look a bit more with it!
It looks like a Rod Stewart to me. ;)
I think I was at the other pond,

What do you mean I forgot to put the dirty mac on!?!?!? :p

I give up then, time for a snooze!
I found these the hardest to get the metering and exposure correct on, shiny black fur is a nightmare!

Some really stunning shots in there.
Hi Andy! Cool! Fab expressions! :D

(thanks for the hat BTW, Kept me really snug and warm! will keep it in my camera bag in the hope we bump into you again soon!)
We did keep looking for you, seems everyone legged it to different corners. Surprising how little we saw of everyone after the initial meet! Will have to go again soon, was a fab trip!!!!!
Few more pingu's!...lol


obviously found something funny!..lol


...and a rockhopper with open eyes!
Lovely shots all. The last few from Stuart are fantastic.
I believe the other penguins are Humbodts (sp?)
...a sly peek at the camera!

Nice and sharp LB but white balance looks off to me...could do with warming up?
It was very cold! and he was in the shadows, thought that cool tones gave it something! :)

any better?
:thinking:Mm looks the same on my screen pretty much..if you shot in raw you can go back and alter the wb setting.
Ah! That does look better! (y) thanks!

I shoot in JPEG, not RAW, not quite progressed that far yet!