White crescent banding on images 30D

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can anyone give advice on what this banding is, it appears on all photo's taken with the canon 30D.

How do i remedy it? Will it have to go to a canon service centre to be fixed or can I sort it myself?

Thanks for any help or advice
Can you post a piccy for evidence please.
can anyone give advice on what this banding is, it appears on all photo's taken with the canon 30D.

How do i remedy it? Will it have to go to a canon service centre to be fixed or can I sort it myself?

Thanks for any help or advice

Was there direct sunlight on the lens? Does it appear on other lenses?
I think it is the first signs of shutter failiure.

Surely the effect of shutter failure would ber of a horizontal rather than vertical nature give that the shutter curtains open and close vertically not horizontally?
Sorry about the link, I'm new to this and don't know why it doesn't show. Thanks for posting the link The Matt.
Yes this band shows in varying degrees and with different lenses, I posted this photo as it was more prominent on this one so easier for people to see.
I think it's an optical effect, something flare related, shooting into the light like that, possibly with a filter, or even a shiny lens hood, light catching the filter threads, that kind of thing.

Nothing to do with the shutter.
I think it's an optical effect, something flare related, shooting into the light like that, possibly with a filter, or even a shiny lens hood, light catching the filter threads, that kind of thing.

Nothing to do with the shutter.

But he said it's all photos taken with his camera :thinking:

(I guarantee Hoppy will answer this one (y))
I'm confident it's not a shutter thing either. Might be crap in the mirror box, on the sensor or even on the focussing screen perhaps.

Also: WTF is your sig about?
Thanks for all the help posted so far. It's my fiances camera so I've asked if she can answer the questions further
Mate of mine had the shutter fail on 2 30Ds. first sign of trouble was exactly the same as the OP is getting.
it's a vuvuzela me thinks

See, my mind's in the gutter then because what he's drawn with characters, and the bzzz after it, insinuate *ahem* something entirely different. :LOL: :naughty:
I think it's an optical effect, something flare related, shooting into the light like that, possibly with a filter, or even a shiny lens hood, light catching the filter threads, that kind of thing.

Nothing to do with the shutter.

Hello everyone, Ginger//owner of misbehaving 30D here. Thank You for your input so far.
Hoppy, yes, I was shooting on this particular day with a hood, and it is more on the shiny side, but as Paul mentioned, this effect occurs with both of my lenses, hood or no hood, and whether the sun is behind me or not.
I've aimed it at the sky with the light in so many positions around me, that I feel it just can't be a flare. I shoot those purposely with my little Powershot, so even as an amateur I'm fairly certain it isn't that simple. I wish it were!

So that leaves, so far, "crap in the mirror box, on the sensor or even on the focussing screen perhaps" ;) and shutter failure? It is this same band of light, same halfmoon facing left every time, if that helps diagnose. If it is shutter failure, would that occur over a long period of time? This has been occurring for over a year. Because it only really shows up when I shoot the sky or light subjects, I have been passing//editing//& posting less than perfect photos of everything else and letting this problem go -- that or using other cameras.

That pesky "Error 99", has been occurring very randomly [maybe four times now] over the last couple of months. So far has always been remedied by removing and replacing lens. Once I cleaned the contacts for the flash foot [per instructions on a forum]. Wonder if that is in any way related.
?? :thinking: :help: (y)
[Whoa, long reply. Should've let Paul continue with posts. I talk way too much.] ;)
Just a thought - have you checked the lens mount on the camera - may be a slight light leak there (I was looking at my busted F3 and wondering how I could have missed spotting a 0.3mm gap between the body and the mounting-ring)...
Just a thought - have you checked the lens mount on the camera - may be a slight light leak there (I was looking at my busted F3 and wondering how I could have missed spotting a 0.3mm gap between the body and the mounting-ring)...

Just checked. Unless it is too small to notice [admitedly, I'm not 100% sure of what I am doing], I don't see it. I'll check it again in stronger light.
This is a pretty extreme example, but it could account for crescent-shapes with all your lenses if the lens-mount is slightly biffed...

Can we put links to other forums because there are plenty of threads where the reason was a failing shutter?
This is a pretty extreme example, but it could account for crescent-shapes with all your lenses if the lens-mount is slightly biffed...


whoa! that is extreme. i still dont see a leak, but it makes perfect sense.
Can we see some more examples please, with lens, any filters, Exif etc.
Can we see some more examples please, with lens, any filters, Exif etc.

Seconded. I'm certain it's not shutter related, it looks like a reflection of a part of some perfectly circular surface...


That leaves, lens hood, filter threads, some internal part of the lens etc, causing the reflection as the most likely cause, but I'd be interested to see some other examples.
I only have access to a couple more but i'll try and post them, Ginger has the rest.


I can't seem to post images

Hard to say what's going on there. Too many HDR induced post processing artifacts.

Need a straight pic or two from the affected lens/es, directly out of camera sans PP, Exif data, lens/filter info.

Edit: was the first image you linked post processed?
I've just asked Ginger to try and post an original image. Thanks for all the help it is greatly appreciated.
Well if you register all three images posted so far over each other at the same size, the crescent shape lies in exactly the same place on each shot. That would seem to indicate that the direction of the light is not affecting where the crescent falls on the image (assuming it's a reflection) as the light is clearly coming from different directions in the last two shots.

This tends to give some credibility to Rob's faulty lens mount theory. Can you see any gap between the mount and the camera body? Could it be an unduly loose lens mount? Try wiggling the lens and see if there's any undue play there.
try putting a lens cap on and shining a bright light at the lens mount (like a torch) and seeing if we see any artifact in a photo.
http://www.flickr.com/photos/peaj75/4743582589/meta/ this single image was taken saturday, sigma 300mm lens with hood, pulled straight from card, resized for email and sent to paul [peaj] for him to be able to see my issue.

http://www.flickr.com/photos/peaj75/4743530829/meta/ and that was taken a week earlier, 3 images merged//hdr in photoshop. canon 28-90mm lens, no hood.

no filters. i have more examples, just have to load them onto his or my own flickr. checked the lens mount again in a bit better light, and i cant see any fault there.
try putting a lens cap on and shining a bright light at the lens mount (like a torch) and seeing if we see any artifact in a photo.

[oops! peaj and i are posting at once..]

great idea - going to charge battery a bit and try this.