White Spider & Hoverfly

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Beautiful afternoon spent in my parents garden just catching the last glimpses of sunlight on their garden. Will post some of the flower shots later, for now, there is this wee chappy……

eewwww thats good though, what lens was that with
:agree: good and ewww
lol I agree too.

Both captivating and cringeworthy at the same time....

Great detail captured, makes it interesting to look at.
Thanks peeps.

Was taken with the tamron 90mm.

This is, if you're interested, A variety of Orb-Web Spider. However, the ones in my dads garden seem to have eschewed the traditional skills of their forebears and become a bit lazy. Instead of making lovely webs to look at and catch their supper in, they now lie in wait in all the white bodied flowers in the garden, jumping on unsuspecting hoverflies.

Darwinism? Opportunism? Intelligence? Or did I just google the wrong Species? ;)
Great shots, shows how cruel nature can be.
That's a great shot, you really captured the moment.

Not to be picky but it's not a lazy orb web spider - though it does look similar. It is in fact the excitingly named "White Death Spider" - Misumena vatia. They do not spin webs but hide in white or yellow flowers waiting to pounce. It's a member of the Crab Spider family.

OK that's enough spider geekery for this morning!
Darwinism? Opportunism? Intelligence? Or did I just google the wrong Species? ;)

That's a great shot, you really captured the moment.

Not to be picky but it's not a lazy orb web spider - though it does look similar. It is in fact the excitingly named "White Death Spider" - Misumena vatia. They do not spin webs but hide in white or yellow flowers waiting to pounce. It's a member of the Crab Spider family.

OK that's enough spider geekery for this morning!

My google Wu must've been off. Either that or I was drunk and thought it was.....
Araniella cucurbitina

I stand corrected he hee.