Whitford lighthouse

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I took this on the one decent day we've had in the last two weeks. I cranked up the ISO to 400 to get an exposure fast enough to freeze the Oystercatchers which kept flying to and fro. I used a Tamron 90m macro lens, I know, not exactly made for this job, but there we go.

It's a shame we can't see it in a larger size. The photo is really too small to be able to comment. It looks interesting, just too small.
So what size should it be? This is my first picture post on here and I have used photobucket (which seems to be the way to go on other non photographic forums). Is there any restriction on size?
Hi, Jeff...looks to be a nice photo. I think you can go up to 1024 pixels on the longer side. I used to use Photobucket, but since found Flickr to be better for my needs. There's no one "right answer."

As for the shot, it looks like you got the horizon level and I like the placement of the light tower. Lighting seems pretty good, too, with nice colors. What f-stop were you using? From what I can see the foreground focus is a bit soft, but the tower itself appears to be in sharper focus.