Who's up for another FREE webcast?


Staff Bog Cleaner 2015
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Right you lucky people.......

The lovely people at PT4U are going to run another webcast for us on the 10th September, head off to the newly opened Phototraining 4 u sub forum and check out the thread for the latest installment.


It's free and you WILL learn something !! :razz:

I did, Carl ( welshdragon ) is supposed to be putting it online today but as yet I've not had the link.

Make a post in the pt4u section ;)
Can we get the start time in English this time so us dottled lot dont miss it this time :LOL:
What's it about??

Talk Photography with Mark Cleghorn - Shooting Models Part 2 Lighting

[FONT=arial,verdana,helvetica]Webinar Registration

Talk Photography with Mark Cleghorn - Shooting Models Part 2 Lighting
In this webinar Mark Cleghorn Talks lighting and posing techniques when shooting model.

7pm London BST

In this series Mark looks at lighting the subject, the does and don'ts to get a successful image.
Talk Photography with Mark Cleghorn - Shooting Models Part 2 Lighting

[FONT=arial,verdana,helvetica]Webinar Registration

Talk Photography with Mark Cleghorn - Shooting Models Part 2 Lighting
In this webinar Mark Cleghorn Talks lighting and posing techniques when shooting model.

7pm London BST

In this series Mark looks at lighting the subject, the does and don'ts to get a successful image.

I want to say yes as I'll be in London; but since I will be with my daughter who has plans for me to take her out. I am sorry I will have to pass on this one.
A wee bump for those who've either missed it or are newly joined :cool:

A quick heads up, the next instalment is approaching and TP needs your support, all you have to do is register and set aside an hour of your time to watch and learn something.

in the last episode Mark from phototraing4u started off with the nuts and bolts of booking a model and now we'll move on a little

Talk Photography with Mark Cleghorn - Shooting Models Part 2 Lighting

[FONT=arial,verdana,helvetica]Webinar Registration

Talk Photography with Mark Cleghorn - Shooting Models Part 2 Lighting
In this webinar Mark Cleghorn Talks lighting and posing techniques when shooting model.

7pm (London BST)

In this series Mark looks at lighting the subject, the does and don'ts to get a successful image.

This webinar is schedulede to run for 60 Minute

So come on....what are you waiting for, lets continue the journey (y)

You can register by clicking here

if you register as a FREE user of PT4U and click here you can find the first episode if you missed it.
Are we all signing up?

Spankings for those who don't attend :bat:
Come on you lovely lot, let your tea's digest as you watch this webcast.
Can't get to watch it, got the app for android, but says it can't connect :-(
I'm not sure what's going on with it for you, I'm watching it ok on my iMac through Firefox.

Is there anyway you can restart it and log in again or use another machine?