Why can i not take pictures of my Son playing football?

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I was asked if i could take the team photograph for our local under 8s football team yesterday which i was more than happy to do.
However, after taking a few action shot's of my Son and the team during the game, the oppositions manager started shouting at the referee to stop anyone taking photographs as a was an FA ruling!
Nobody wanted to upset anyone, so we stopped.
Does this mean, that i can never take photos of my Son playing for his local team?
If anyone has any help or advise, it would be very much appreciated.
So you are perfectly entitled to take photos of your son playing football but be prepared to put up with others like that manager and probably some parents whob are so sickthat they think that you have a camera and are photographing kids therefore you are a pervert.I am so glad my kids are grown up now and that I photograph open age football
Hmmm, sad state of affairs methinks. I remember trying to do the same thing and I was told by the club manager who happened to be my sons friends father that I couldn't take them without getting the permission from every team members parents and that of the opposing team.

He went on to say it was their clubs rules that no photos should be taken! :nono:

Unfortunately, much like a lot of the "boys in blue" football/team managers aren't fully in the know of the law! Plus with everyone being over-protective for fear of being sued, it's just easier for them to ban it.

I could maybe understand if a COMPLETE stranger wandered over to the pitch and started clicking away, but as the childs father regularly attending and supporting the team, surely your entitled to take pictures of your own son playing football after all these should be treasured memories - nothing malice or sordid, there not in the changing rooms their on a playing field :shrug: beats me

Anyway, I respected his wishes and NEVER took any photos again well I didn't know then what I know now :D That is apart from a group one when the team folded which he asked me to do :bang: cos it had ALL been agreed.

Wish I'd had that link http://www.thefa.com/TheFA/WhatWeDo/...Guidelines.pdf before now. Nice to print off and show the managers AND anyone else who wants to question it.

Andrew, I'd print a whole bunch of (Especially highlighting Page 2) next time anyone says anything shove it under their nose and carry on clicking. ;)
This is the problem: someone says 'it's against the rules' but offers no corroborative evidence.
You 'know' it's all BS but also have no paperwork with you to back up your position. Everyone has to play safe and so the photographer loses out...yet again...

Pretty soon we'll all have to carry a PDF of all these rules and regs around with us so we can wave a Blackberry under the noses of all the jobsworths and scaremongers...
I take photos at my sons football matches, he's 8, and the only thing I've been asked even by some of the other teams parents is where can they see them.
My sons club is used to me doing it now and I supply some of the photos to their website. I have even been asked to supply some to the opposing team for their website.
So it takes all sorts you just have deal with your "advocate" of the children's football team in an individual way each time.

One of the reasons I grew to love photography was that my dad and I used to go to the local park every Saturday morning and watch a schoolboys side play football and he'd take photos of them. We weren't related to anyone on the pitch.

I think it's more than whimsical nostalgia that makes me sad that it's highly unlikely that anybody could have the same experience now.
I agree, usually i blow my top at this sort of injustice, but on this occasion, i just felt sad.
Thanks for your reponses and FA information:)
Regardless of what the FA rules say what is to stop one of these so called managers from just saying that their specific club bans pictures? What I mean is you can print out the FA rules and he can just push back with the fact that he has an even stricter set of rules.

By the way i don't think managers etc complain for the fun of it. I imagine they are under a tremendous amount of pressure to be whiter than white and squeeky clean given the position of responsibility they are in and the way it seems to have been abused.
Regardless of what the FA rules say what is to stop one of these so called managers from just saying that their specific club bans pictures? What I mean is you can print out the FA rules and he can just push back with the fact that he has an even stricter set of rules..

On paper theres nothing they can do if playing on a public park... bar stopping the game and going home..

but in reality you would respect there rules and not photogrpah..
:bang::razz: makes me sooo cross for crying out loud.. they are our kids.

Well for what it is worth not all clubs are the same. but that dosn't help you. My hubby as a football coach and he just can't understand it.