Why do some have on-camera flash?

The full frame sensor on the pro spec cameras means you get a full frame pentaprism and a full frame viewfinder. That takes up room at the top of the camera. If you tried to include a popup flash as well it would make the camera look silly, and no pro wants their expensive gear to look silly. Popup flashes are included in the consumer grade cameras, like the Nikon D300 and Canon 300D, because it's the right thing to do, and there's room to do it. Unfortunately, the pro cameras are a bit of a compromise, for the sake of vanity.


(Yes, I am joking.)

Good to know then that you consider the Hasselblad H-series a prosumer camera because it has a pop-up flash...:D

I would pretty much put it down (primarily) to available space in a 35mm format body and body strength / integrity of weather sealing to a lesser degree.
On-board flash has its uses. It's always going to boil down to personal opinion again:)