Why Do We Take Photos? My Story ....

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Hiya folks.

Ages since I posted any images on here, so I thought I'd get some new stuff up.

Saying as it's a Sunday morning, I thought it would be a good time for a little bit of Philosophy! (As you do!).

Just wondering what everyone's reasons for taking photos are? Having spoken to lots of friends on this matter - the key reasons tend to be money or pleasure (aren't they always?).

However, I think there are lots of different reasons - and it's interesting to hear what everyone thinks.

For me personally, it's as much about documenting as it is pleasure. Living nearly 200miles away from mine and the wife's parents, I tend to use my camera a lot to document our son growing up - and then email pics to the grandparents.

The 10,000 or so images that I have of him so far, will, I know, be looked back on over time .. with the classic "Ah, do you remember when ...." comment.

Obviously I also enjoy photography for pleasure and the odd paid wedding / portrait shot always helps!

Anyway, having had 2 glorious weeks off work (Easter Hols - ;) ) - I have had a little time to get lots of images and upload them - so I'll give you an insight into my life over the past few weeks.

Although these are mainly snaps, I am a big enough lad to take any criticism (and compliments ;) ) you want to chuck my way about the images. Also very interested to hear your own reasons for photography!


So, I'll begin at the end of March. Our son, Samuel, was 2. He's Thomas The Tank Engine Mad - so what better way than to have a Thomas Cake? Don't you just love party food ? I must've sat and 'nibbled' for hours that day - in between having a few cans and unwinding those annoying wire things that they put on the packaging of kids toys, off Samuel's presents.


Ironically, despite the Thomas Tank Engine track, vehicles, books and t-shirts, one of Samuel's favourite present was a £1 bubble maker!!! Cue dancing around the room popping bubbles and screaming!!!! (Note for parents - it hurts when it pops in their eyes!)


As we were staying up in Newcastle, what better way than a visit to the farm / adventure playground? Luckily, big cousin was there to guide Samuel safely down the slide !


As any self-respecting Geordie will tell you ... seeing the bridge when returning 'home' always fills you with pride ... saw a walk along the quayside was on the cards.


I should also like to take this opportunity to point out that having your football team promoted (back) to top flight football also fills you with pride. There are however no photos of that as cameras, beer, more beer and 50,000 partying (and drunk) Toon fans are not the best combination!

One of the things I miss most about living where I do, is the distance to the nearest coast. Therefore, every time I visit the north east, I try and get a surf/walk along the beach. A few shots here from St Mary's lighthouse Whitley Bay - note - Whitley Bay FC also won that day - now playing in the FA Vase Final at Wembley ;)



Think I'm only allowed to upload 6 images per post (Only got a few more - so hang in there) - I will continue in another post.

Thanks for reading so far!

Following our trip up north, we returned to a very, very sunny Cheshire. What better way to optimise the weather than play in the back garden? Not the type of bird you'd associate with Spring & Summer though ...


Although for Samuel, it was all about the sand and water ....


I also used my time wisely whilst off work and went to visit a friend and her little girl - in between crawling round the floor and drinking (very nice) coffee, I managed to get this shot fire off - I love the finger!


And that leads us to yesterday ...

Simontalm and I went to do a pre wedding visit to a couple who live in Southport. They're getting married in July, so we went to meet them and have a chat (cue more nice coffee). Whilst up there, we thought we'd have a nip down to Crosby beach and have a look at the Gormley Statues (not as good as his Angel ;) ). Awful light on the beach and a bland sky - so apologies for the images . I do have one of Simon in his wellies if anyone wants to see that, just ask :)



And now it's Sunday.

The sun is shining, so I am going to end my philosophy lesson, leave my longest TP post EVER !! And get outside with the family (and the camera!!).

Thanks all for reading.

I have no doubt we all have our own individual reasons, and subjects for our photography. I look forward to hearing yours!


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Some great shots there mate, and the obligatory tyne shot :D

I was also at st james for the big day too ;)
what a lovely read, the first shot of the lighthouse and the baby shot really stand out!
I do have one of Simon in his wellies if anyone wants to see that, just ask :)

I'm asking! :)
Some great shots there mate, and the obligatory tyne shot :D

I was also at st james for the big day too ;)

Glory Hunters ;):naughty:

Welcome back to the big league, 6 easy points for us then!

Seriously ***, nice shots and I totally understand the sentiments after working in the smoke for 5 years
*disclaimer, personal and long - I take no responsibility if I bore the crap out of you! :nono: *

I've always been an arty person. For as long as I can remember I've been crafting, drawing, painting or playing an instrument.

I've always adored photography and photos. I used to carry a 35mm point and shoot with me, everywhere. My parents bought me a Kodak 35mm point and shoot for my 8th birthday and from then onwards, I adored photography, usually looking at it, but I had a dream that one day, I'd learn photography....one day.

As my health deteriorated, I became less and less able to do all of the above, it upset me and I urged for a new, expressful art.

I bought a cheap point and shoot to see if my love for photography was still there and it was. The camera was quite a terribly basic digital camera, 12MP, no flash, quite slow shutter speeds...not the greatest by any means, but it revived my love of photography.

One of my favourite images that I took with that camera.

A while later, I got a better point and shoot, still not fantastic, but did what I wanted it to do at the time. It had a flash and a zoom and it emphasised my love for photography a little more, allowed me to grow a little, but of course at this point, I was taking photography far from seriously. It was just a bit of fun, reviving the "always carry a camera" habit, that I'd had for many years in my teens, until after the accident that left me disabled. It was a photo from this set, that made me wonder if I had any potential.

As my hands worsened, I struggled to be able to hold a point and shoot. I struggled to press the buttons and the slowed response from the shutter button to the sutter actuation, to be frank, it annoyed me! There were photo opertunities that were blatent, images that I craved, that I just wasn't capturing! So by husband, seeing my frustration, seeing that I did have some potential and wanting to encourage me, bought me a bridge camera. I could hold it, it gave me room to experiment more and I enjoyed photography more than I ever had done before! My passion was growing!

After a couple of months, I found out that my local college were doing free HEFCs (Higher Education Foundation Courses), free and part time. I wanted to learn more, the craving for knowlegde was immense. I'd already been reading photography magazines. It was also a challenge for me physically too. After my accident I'd tried to go back to work a few times and failed. I openly admit that I really struggled with attendance, I think out of 12 or 16 weeks (one day per week), I only managed the whole lesson twice. (The lesson was most of a day, with breaks and I got extra breaks too under the reasonable ajustments thing.) Some weeks I didn't manage to attend, many weeks I went in and didn't even manage to stay til the lunch break. Many times I felt like giving up and that I was a failure for not being able to manage and to be frank, a large part of it was stubbornly trying to deny how disabled I am, not deny it to anyone else, but deny it to myself.
During the course I tried a 35mm SLR. I fell in love with it, but I couldn't wind on the film after each shot.

After shooting with the SLR, my desire for photography was even stronger than ever before. I decided that I didn't just want a DSLR, I needed a DSLR. After a little bit of research, I decided that a Sony Alpha 350 was the camera that I wanted. I joined an amazing photography forum and truly believe that my photography has gone from strength to stength.

And here I am now...

Damo, Pete and The Mad Mackem .... cheers for all of your nice comments (I'll tactfully ignore the one about 6 points!).

MagicMynx - thank you very much for your post. That was the sort of thing I was curious to know about people. Very interesting hearing about how people's love of photography has developed over the years (pardon the pun) - and also their life changes that have affected the way they act and see the world (both with and without a camera).

I certainly knows since becoming a father, my views have changed in many ways - and alongside that I now feel the need to record every 'event' in our son's live - but not to the extent of missing the event due to 'fiddling with camera settings' (hence the snapshots!).

Thank you for taking the time to read my post, and respond with your own post. I hope others read it with inspiration and come forth to offer their own reasons for taking photos - and give us a few examples too!!!!

Cheers all.

great thread and has made me think....i will reply soon with a longer post cos right now i am not feeling in a thinking mood but its such a great question i want you to know i will be answering......and how do you think uz smoggies feel then!:puke:
Cheers Belly - looking forward to reading your post!

As for how you smoggies feel ... aye, not too happy I can imagine! ;)

I'll give it a Sunday night re-bump - everyone's on their computers at this time on a Sunday !

Come on folks - share your innermosts secrets with us ....

My reason was quite simple. For the last couple of years I've thrown myself into work and hardly done a thing with the little time of I had. I'm not, not have I ever been an arty person (I'll leave that to my mother http://www.jeanhaines.com).

I have always wanted to learn about photography since my first brief encounter with an old Nikon SLR as a child so treated myself to my 500D.

I am now out everyday that I am not working taking photo's of something and learning!

What has surprised me is that I bought a camera to predominantly shoot motorsport as a petrolhead. I have lived in the country for most of my life so wildlife didn't really take my fancy, after one visit CWP I now have an annual pass and up there at least once a week :D :D :D

What do I want to achieve out of photography??? Pfft I don't know but a collection of nice images that I'm proud to say I've taken would be a good start and some nice Canvas on the wall would be good :D
Cheers Nissan.

It always amazes me how many people 'still want to learn' . And with photography, there always seems to be something new to learn.

The desire to learn and ask others questions on how I myself could improve as a photographer, is what brought me to these forums in the first place. And now they can't get rid of me!

Thanks for your reply.


PS - CWP ? Chessington Wildlife Park ????
Why do I take photos?

Memory's and expressing myself. I like trying to take photos of mundane things and make them more interesting.
I take pictures for the memories they keep. I also do competition work I find it improves my skills. Most of all I love taking pictures